Gold Cartel الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , Vantage Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

Gold Cartel الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , Vantage Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

Our automated gold strategy operates seamlessly, leveraging a combination of technical indicators, market data, and proprietary algorithms to inform decision-making. Upon activation, the system continuously scans the market for opportunities, executing trades with speed and precision. Real-time performance reports and analytics are provided, allowing you to track progress and make informed decisions.
In an ever-evolving market landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With our automated gold strategy, you gain a competitive edge, harnessing the power of technology to optimize your investment outcomes. Get started today and unlock the full potential of your gold investments.

Dear Followers,

To manage your investment risk, use the following settings based on your investment amount. Here's how it works:

If you have $200 in your account, use a multiplier of 0.01 and open a lot size between 0.01 to 0.05.
If you have $400 in your account, use a multiplier of 0.02 and open a lot size between 0.02 to 0.10.
If you have $600 in your account, use a multiplier of 0.03 and open a lot size between 0.03 to 0.15.
If you have $800 in your account, use a multiplier of 0.04 and open a lot size between 0.04 to 0.20.
If you have $1,000 in your account, use a multiplier of 0.05 and open a lot size between 0.05 to 0.25.
So, if you have $400 in your account, you should use a multiplier of 0.02 and open a lot size between 0.02 to 0.10.

Best regards,
Imtiyaz Mansuri

الرسم البياني للمكسب

21 ساعة (ساعات) مضت
الإحصائيات المتقدمة
  • الرصيد: $0.00
  • حقوق الملكية: (0%) $0
  • الربح/الخسارة المتغيرة: $0.00
  • الإيداعات: $119.05
  • السحوبات: $83.05
  • التداولات: 179
  • النقاط: 2,577
  • الربح: 70%
  • متوسط وقت التداول: 4h 13m
  • الحصص : 1.85
  • عامل الربح: 0.94
  • يوميًا: -1.24%
  • شهريًا: -31.10%
  • التداولات لكل شهر 20
  • التوقع: 14.4 النقاط / -$0.2
شهريًا Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
النشاط Timezone: GMT +3
تاريخ الفتح تاريخ الإغلاق الرمز الإجراء الحصص إيقاف الخسائر جني الربح مفتوح الإغلاق النقاط الربح المدة المكسب
03.02.2025 15:15:22 - - السحب - - - -2.28 - -
12.08.2024 11:11:32 12.08.2024 16:19:19 XAUUSD+ بيع 0.01 - - 2440.90000 2446.19000 -529.0 -5.35 5h 7m -70.12%
12.08.2024 11:11:24 12.08.2024 11:51:40 XAUUSD+ بيع 0.01 - - 2440.89000 2443.60000 -271.0 -2.77 40m -26.63%
12.08.2024 11:00:47 12.08.2024 11:11:21 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2442.34000 2440.85000 -149.0 -1.55 10m -12.97%
09.08.2024 22:47:26 12.08.2024 10:57:04 XAUUSD+ بيع 0.05 - - 2427.64000 2441.27000 -1363.0 -67.35 2d -84.93%
09.08.2024 17:31:09 09.08.2024 22:01:22 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2434.35000 2428.24000 -611.0 -6.17 4h 30m -7.22%
09.08.2024 17:31:09 09.08.2024 22:01:21 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2434.15000 2428.24000 -591.0 -5.97 4h 30m -6.53%
09.08.2024 17:32:05 09.08.2024 22:01:20 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2433.73000 2428.24000 -549.0 -5.55 4h 29m -5.72%
09.08.2024 17:32:06 09.08.2024 22:01:19 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2433.58000 2428.21000 -537.0 -5.43 4h 29m -5.30%
09.08.2024 17:32:06 09.08.2024 22:01:17 XAUUSD+ شراء 0.01 - - 2433.60000 2428.32000 -528.0 -5.34 4h 29m -4.96%
الصفحة من 19
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