This is a fully-automated system that has been back-tested for more than 11 years. Results are positive, however, this system is using predefined stop losses on every trade thus, it may give periods of slow weeks in exchange for better risk management. We have removed all grid/ martingale strategies from this system after careful consideration to make Haswell Capitals a better candidate for long-term investment.
Few things to note about Haswell Capitals:
It does not trade often to give a controlled risk of market volatility. A maximum of 2% deposit load/risk by means of stop loss on every trade is imposed. The system only trades whenever there's a high possibility of winning. There might be unprofitable periods/ months that will occur. We make periodic updates on Zulu Social or on our website for further changes to this system.
RECOMMENDED SETTINGS: Lot sizing: Pro-rata/ Fixed Leverage: 1:100 or more Balance of $500 USD or more