LimitFX Trader 385 الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , IC Markets , 1:1000 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

LimitFX Trader 385 الإشارات

الترتيب معلق , حقيقي , USD , IC Markets , 1:1000 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

The systems trade the FX markets 90%, Oil 3%, and Gold 4% and BTC 3% of the time. Trades are placed using automated EAs, but are only in search of price movements to the extreme in order to take limit trades against any exacerbated moves in the markets.

I use 1:500 leverage and generally only trade lots between 0.01 to 0.04 and 0.06 at the max. This offers me more than enough return without massive exposure, which provides an excellent opportunity for lagers accounts. Should you have an account larger than $1000 you could double the allocation to 0.02 to 0.08 and 0.12 at the max.

Risk management is the key to all of this and as such I have factored in the allocation size accordingly. Just note that generally trading a mean reversion type approach can generate open positions that sometimes do not go in your favour, but the ultimate left tails have been factored for within the trading systems.

Use a minimum of $1000 and accept an open trade draw down of between $300 - $400. *NOTE - the hefty drawdown is open trades and not closed.

It is a risky way of trading, but the payoff justifies the R:R.

الرسم البياني للمكسب

Jan 16 في 22:46
الإحصائيات المتقدمة
  • الرصيد: $0.82
  • حقوق الملكية: (100.00%) $0.82
  • الربح/الخسارة المتغيرة: $0.00
  • الإيداعات: $1340.00
  • السحوبات: $2,451
  • التداولات: 928
  • النقاط: 10,768
  • الربح: 61%
  • متوسط وقت التداول: 1d
  • الحصص : 22.22
  • عامل الربح: 1.8
  • يوميًا: 0.77%
  • شهريًا: 25.81%
  • التداولات لكل شهر 77
  • التوقع: 11.6 النقاط / $1.2
شهريًا Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
النشاط Timezone: GMT +2
تاريخ الفتح تاريخ الإغلاق الرمز الإجراء الحصص إيقاف الخسائر جني الربح مفتوح الإغلاق النقاط الربح المدة المكسب
12.04.2024 10:14:02 - - السحب - - - -15.00 - -
08.03.2024 15:49:22 08.03.2024 17:22:07 GBPUSD بيع 0.01 - 1.28308 1.28808 1.28719 8.9 0.82 1h 32m +5.47%
08.03.2024 15:49:21 08.03.2024 17:22:05 GBPUSD بيع 0.01 - 1.28308 1.28808 1.28719 8.9 0.82 1h 32m +5.78%
08.03.2024 15:48:38 08.03.2024 17:22:04 EURUSD بيع 0.01 - 1.09177 1.09677 1.09488 18.9 1.82 1h 33m +14.72%
08.03.2024 15:32:59 08.03.2024 17:22:03 AUDCAD بيع 0.01 - 0.88985 0.89485 0.89336 14.9 1.03 1h 49m +9.09%
08.03.2024 15:45:22 08.03.2024 17:19:12 USDJPY شراء 0.01 - 147.16600 146.66600 147.16600 50.0 3.33 1h 33m +41.63%
08.03.2024 15:44:13 08.03.2024 17:17:30 USDJPY شراء 0.01 - 147.12900 146.62900 147.13100 50.2 3.34 1h 33m +71.67%
08.03.2024 12:23:01 08.03.2024 15:49:21 EURAUD شراء 0.01 - 1.64990 1.64490 1.64813 32.3 2.08 3h 26m +80.62%
08.03.2024 12:23:00 08.03.2024 15:48:58 EURAUD شراء 0.01 - 1.64986 1.64486 1.64799 31.3 2.01 3h 25m +352.63%
08.03.2024 11:27:29 08.03.2024 15:40:30 GBPJPY شراء 0.01 - 189.44000 188.94000 188.79200 -14.8 -1.08 4h 13m -65.45%
الصفحة من 96
لا توجد أوامر مفتوحة.
لا توجد تداولات مفتوحة.
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