1 persent a day system Signale

Rang #310 , Echt , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

1 persent a day system Signale

Rang #310 , Echt , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

The aim is to earn 1 percent per day, but it is not a guaranty or something, more just a guideline for what is possible. It is a high win rate strategy/ scalping . I use averaging. So it means I can open many trades, but not many more then 10. Also sometimes I may hedge my trades to lock the drawdown for some time, in order to wait for an optimal situation where the price gets more predictable. So the risk is not constant. But the priority is by no means the safety of my own and subscribers funds. I use stops, but if I hedge, I remove them, of course the risk do not increase at that period due to hedge. In order to get what I get on my account you should take all trades I take and just to set the proportional risk that you wish to take.


33 Minuten vergangen
Erweiterte Statistik
  • Bilanz: €3621.38
  • Eigenkapital: (99.95%) €3,619.73
  • Floating PL: -€1.65
  • Einzahlungen: €3435.82
  • Auszahlungen: €0
  • Trades: 646
  • Pips: 27,936.1
  • Gewonnen: 69%
  • Durchschn. Handelszeit: 9h 49m
  • Viel : 24.51
  • Ertragsfaktor: 1.12
  • Täglich: 0.11%
  • Monatlich: 3.19%
  • Trades pro Monat 162
  • Erwartung: 43.2 Pips / €0.29
Monatlich Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Aktivität Timezone: GMT +2
Eröffnungsdatum Abschlussdatum Symbol Aktion Viel SL TP Öffnen Schliessen Pips Gewinn Dauer Gewinn
19.12.2024 02:30:00 02.01.2025 17:27:11 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.01 1.04657 1.02957 1.03660 1.02963 69.7 7.00 14d +0.19%
31.12.2024 20:05:00 02.01.2025 16:31:59 BTCUSD Kaufen 0.01 90997.66000 96897.66000 93899.00000 96921.00000 3022.0 28.27 1d +0.79%
31.12.2024 20:05:00 02.01.2025 02:46:33 BTCUSD Kaufen 0.01 90997.66000 94997.66000 93899.00000 95007.00000 1108.0 9.70 1d +0.27%
31.12.2024 22:30:00 02.01.2025 02:30:00 EURJPY Verkaufen 0.02 163.77900 162.77900 163.07700 162.98900 8.8 -0.13 1d +0.00%
01.01.2025 14:50:00 01.01.2025 20:57:45 BTCUSD Verkaufen 0.01 94459.65000 90549.65000 93439.00000 93987.00000 -548.0 -5.29 6h 7m -0.15%
31.12.2024 20:05:00 01.01.2025 11:24:12 BTCUSD Kaufen 0.01 92877.66000 96787.66000 93899.00000 92868.00000 -1031.0 -10.45 15h 19m -0.29%
31.12.2024 16:45:00 31.12.2024 19:20:11 EURJPY Kaufen 0.02 162.08800 163.08800 162.79700 163.09000 29.3 3.46 2h 35m +0.10%
30.12.2024 23:50:00 31.12.2024 15:15:11 BTCUSD Verkaufen 0.01 95080.28000 91080.28000 92168.00000 95083.00000 -2915.0 -28.05 15h 25m -0.78%
30.12.2024 23:50:00 31.12.2024 15:15:11 BTCUSD Verkaufen 0.01 95080.28000 89180.28000 92165.00000 95079.00000 -2914.0 -28.04 15h 25m -0.77%
30.12.2024 23:50:00 31.12.2024 10:20:28 BTCUSD Verkaufen 0.01 93200.28000 89290.28000 92165.00000 93208.00000 -1043.0 -10.01 10h 30m -0.27%
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