Papeda 168 Signale |
Papeda 168 Signale |
Papeda 168 Signale |
Papeda 168 Signale |
Papeda 168 is a fully automatic trading system base on martingale on EURUSD pair only. Minimum balance to copy the trade is 5000 Usd account. Leverage 1:500.
1. Order placed according to market direction of market trend.
2. Martingale system will active when the price correction against the market trend.
Eröffnungsdatum | Abschlussdatum | Symbol | Aktion | Viel | SL | TP | Öffnen | Schliessen | Pips | Gewinn | Dauer | Gewinn |
- |
-3.7 |
8.7 |
14.1 |
20.6 |
15.5 |
17.4 |
27.7 |
-10.7 |
-7.2 |
Rang | Name | Gewinn | Pips | TT | Trades | Typ | Monatlich | Diagramm | Preis | Alter | Hinzugefügt | Aktion |
489 | EastStar65 | 191.23% | -871.6 | 80.8% | 2593 | Echt | Lade... | Lade... | $44.00 | 2j 4m | Nov 30, 2022 |