Trading Millimetrico Signale

Rang #315 , Echt , EUR , TeleTrade , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Trading Millimetrico Signale

Rang #315 , Echt , EUR , TeleTrade , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Trading Millimetrico® is a registered trademark of EUIPO and WIPO, made up of a team of professionals with over 10 years of experience in the financial trading sector. Alfa Advisor© is an Expert Advisor equipped with artificial intelligence filed with the "Public Software Register" of the SIAE pursuant to Article 6 of Legislative Decree no. 518/1992. Before being made available to the public, Alfa Advisor© passed hundreds of tests and meets very strict quality standards. Thanks to this, we are able to guarantee it for life. For over 7 years alongside our customers, with over 10 years of experience in trading and programming automatic software, Trading Millimetrico® has created an Expert Advisor which is currently the best-selling in the world. Our trading software is used by the most important and famous institutional entities with assets of several hundreds of billions.


16 Sekunden vergangen
Erweiterte Statistik
  • Bilanz: €72442.94
  • Eigenkapital: (99.99%) €72,437.8
  • Floating PL: -€5.14
  • Einzahlungen: €13977.41
  • Auszahlungen: €0
  • Trades: 48,009
  • Pips: -22,625.9
  • Gewonnen: 67%
  • Durchschn. Handelszeit: 3h 50m
  • Viel : 2,016.67
  • Ertragsfaktor: 1.66
  • Täglich: 0.14%
  • Monatlich: 4.32%
  • Trades pro Monat 1,091
  • Erwartung: -0.5 Pips / €1.22
Monatlich Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Aktivität Timezone: GMT +2
Eröffnungsdatum Abschlussdatum Symbol Aktion Viel SL TP Öffnen Schliessen Pips Gewinn Dauer Gewinn
04.03.2025 13:00:01 04.03.2025 13:10:11 EURUSD Kaufen 0.01 - 1.05179 1.05117 1.05179 6.2 0.51 10m +0.00%
04.03.2025 12:50:00 04.03.2025 13:10:11 EURUSD Kaufen 0.01 - 1.05179 1.05161 1.05179 1.8 0.09 20m +0.00%
04.03.2025 11:55:01 04.03.2025 12:46:09 EURUSD Kaufen 0.01 - 1.05170 1.05151 1.05170 1.9 0.10 51m +0.00%
04.03.2025 11:35:09 04.03.2025 12:46:09 EURUSD Kaufen 0.01 - 1.05170 1.05231 1.05170 -6.1 -0.66 1h 11m +0.00%
04.03.2025 12:05:01 04.03.2025 12:46:09 EURUSD Kaufen 0.02 - 1.05170 1.05069 1.05170 10.1 1.76 41m +0.00%
04.03.2025 12:20:02 04.03.2025 12:22:07 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.01 - 1.05068 1.05108 1.05068 4.0 0.30 2m +0.00%
04.03.2025 10:05:01 04.03.2025 12:05:03 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.01 - 1.05056 1.04885 1.05056 -17.1 -1.71 2h 0m +0.00%
04.03.2025 10:25:00 04.03.2025 12:05:03 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.02 - 1.05056 1.05074 1.05056 1.8 0.18 1h 40m +0.00%
04.03.2025 10:15:02 04.03.2025 12:05:03 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.01 - 1.05056 1.04928 1.05056 -12.8 -1.30 1h 50m +0.00%
04.03.2025 10:30:00 04.03.2025 12:05:03 EURUSD Verkaufen 0.03 - 1.05056 1.05168 1.05056 11.2 2.96 1h 35m +0.00%
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