Coworking Trade Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Alpari , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

Coworking Trade Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Alpari , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month


Short and medium term trading based on combined indicator analysis. Multi-currency trades are opened at night hours during calm and predictable market. Specific currency pairs and their number always changes, subject to market condition. Orders are usually closed within few hours, but can sometimes remain open for a few days.

NO MARTINGALE, FIXED S/L LEVELS. (S/L & T/P levels are virtual, thus u wont see true levels on your MT4).


Recommended deposit amount - 500 USD. Choose only Brokers that offer accounts with low night spreads (ECN, NDD). Renting VPS (virtual private server) service is absolutely COMPULSORY for the sake of stable signal copy.

(!) Contact me via MQL5 website (Stanislav Svirskiy) for additional information and/or troubleshooting (!)


(!) In order to increase profitability of trading system, I would recommend rebate services that compensate part of broker's commission (spread). You can easily find the most reliable of them using Google search engine.

(!!) This account uses up to 50% of equity. Please keep in mind that neither of numerous Forex systems will guarantee safety of your deposit during force majeure on markets. Occasional losses are simply part of Forex trading. Instead of trying to avoid such losses, the key strategy to profitability is to diversify trading activities within several brokers and to use multiple trading systems. Make sure to distribute your funds among several Signals.

(!!!) Regular profit withdrawal is crucial part on the way to overall profitability. Regardless of whether you decide to reinvest your funds in other Signals or to transfer them to your bank account, please make sure to withdraw your profit regularly.

Gráfico de incremento

Mar 19 2020 a las 08:07
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Recursos propios: (0%) $0
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $433272.85
  • Retiradas de fondos: $384,983.21
  • Transacciones: 1,006
  • Pips: 426.5
  • Ganados: 74%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 10h 19m
  • Lotes : 4,003.82
  • Factor de beneficio: 0.79
  • A diario: -0.08%
  • Mensualmente: -2.47%
  • Transacciones por mes 13
  • Expectativa: 0.4 Pips / -$48.92
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +2
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
19.03.2020 10:01:03 - - Retirada - - - -669.51 - -
19.03.2020 06:47:11 19.03.2020 08:48:54 EURUSD Vender 0.50 - - 1.08946 1.09461 -51.5 -259.24 2h 1m -27.91%
19.03.2020 08:33:38 19.03.2020 08:48:53 EURUSD Vender 1.13 - - 1.09346 1.09454 -10.8 -125.99 15m -11.95%
19.03.2020 08:16:01 19.03.2020 08:48:52 EURUSD Vender 0.75 - - 1.09146 1.09464 -31.8 -241.12 32m -18.61%
19.03.2020 08:35:00 19.03.2020 08:48:50 AUDUSD Vender 0.50 - - 0.56980 0.57758 -77.8 -389.91 13m -23.13%
19.03.2020 08:38:21 19.03.2020 08:48:48 GBPUSD Vender 2.53 - - 1.15873 1.16055 -18.2 -469.84 10m -21.80%
19.03.2020 08:35:43 19.03.2020 08:48:46 AUDUSD Vender 0.75 - - 0.57182 0.57757 -57.5 -432.62 13m -14.34%
19.03.2020 08:47:26 19.03.2020 08:48:46 AUDUSD Vender 1.13 - - 0.57382 0.57760 -37.8 -429.21 1m -16.61%
19.03.2020 08:35:38 19.03.2020 08:48:34 GBPUSD Vender 1.69 - - 1.15666 1.15936 -27.0 -462.56 12m -13.29%
19.03.2020 08:08:37 19.03.2020 08:48:32 GBPUSD Vender 0.75 - - 1.15240 1.15918 -67.8 -511.27 39m -12.81%
Página de 224
No hay órdenes abiertas.
No hay transacciones abiertas.
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