Friday Monday Señales

Clasificación #563 , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, El sistema es compatible con el criterio FIFO, $31.00/Month

Friday Monday Señales

Clasificación #563 , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, El sistema es compatible con el criterio FIFO, $31.00/Month

Only scalping strategies with limited losses (each trade has a virtual SL). Not used: grid, martingale, hedging, long holding positions in the negative zone.
Traded by expert: Breakthrough Strategy.
Trading lot: 0.01 per $100 balance.
Minimum starting balance: $100.
Leverage: 500.
Account type: Raw.
The system is designed for trading in the last hour of Friday. Most deals close on Monday in the first hours of trading. On average, 5-10 deals are opened per week.
When copying, it is optimal to use the same broker as the author.

Gráfico de incremento

2 [hace] minutos
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $619.70
  • Recursos propios: (100.00%) $619.7
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $1600.50
  • Retiradas de fondos: $5,325.22
  • Transacciones: 3,030
  • Pips: 5,304.5
  • Ganados: 73%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 1d
  • Lotes : 371.92
  • Factor de beneficio: 1.3
  • A diario: 0.11%
  • Mensualmente: 3.25%
  • Transacciones por mes 34
  • Expectativa: 1.8 Pips / $1.48
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +3
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
14.03.2025 03:59:44 14.03.2025 06:31:09 USDCHF Vender 0.09 0.88644 0.88004 0.88324 0.88378 -5.4 -6.00 2h 31m -0.96%
14.03.2025 03:58:48 14.03.2025 06:03:40 GBPUSD Comprar 0.10 1.29146 1.29786 1.29466 1.29439 -2.7 -3.25 2h 4m -0.52%
14.03.2025 03:59:43 14.03.2025 04:15:44 EURGBP Vender 0.08 0.84133 0.83493 0.83813 0.83773 4.0 3.70 16m +0.59%
14.03.2025 00:01:45 14.03.2025 01:04:24 USDCAD Vender 0.15 - - 1.44446 1.44388 5.8 5.20 1h 2m +0.84%
12.03.2025 00:28:39 12.03.2025 02:58:47 EURGBP Comprar 0.15 0.84230 0.84354 0.84287 0.84311 2.4 3.83 2h 30m +0.62%
12.03.2025 00:28:39 12.03.2025 01:11:49 EURUSD Comprar 0.15 1.09069 1.09228 1.09142 1.09183 4.1 5.32 43m +0.87%
29.01.2025 00:08:17 29.01.2025 01:10:36 USDCAD Comprar 0.12 1.43864 1.44094 1.43970 1.44020 5.0 3.51 1h 2m +0.58%
22.01.2025 00:12:48 22.01.2025 01:06:02 GBPUSD Comprar 0.12 1.23409 1.23602 1.23516 1.23410 -10.6 -13.38 53m -2.16%
22.01.2025 00:40:56 22.01.2025 01:01:26 EURAUD Vender 0.12 - - 1.66283 1.66229 5.4 3.41 20m +0.55%
17.01.2025 00:06:01 17.01.2025 01:08:12 EURGBP Comprar 0.12 0.84096 0.84226 0.84156 0.84188 3.2 4.03 1h 2m +0.66%
Página de 307
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