KonokaSystem Coinexx Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Coinexx , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

KonokaSystem Coinexx Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Coinexx , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

KonokaSystem is a day trade targeting (0:00 ~13:00) Japan time.
The currency pair is USDJPY and trades at the closing price of M5.
No grid or martingale logic is used.
Both TP and SL are 100Pips, which are slightly larger. (To avoid loss due to large short sale)
There are other exit methods using time and technical indicators.
KonokaSystem is not aimed at increasing the winning rate.

Back test (BT) is verified in 20 years.
We did not use "Every Tick" for this verification.
BT "Every Tick" has a margin of price error.
Since KonokaSystem is a closing price-based logic, we verify BT with "Open price only".
Closing price based verification is the best way to make BT and forward testing (FT) similar.
Like "TradeStation" and "MultiCharts", it can be verified quickly even for a long period.

Also, GMT offset time is not needed to make FT and BT verification similar. (Verified)
MT4 server time (00:00) is the end of NY market (17:00), so I am making EA based on this.

Gráfico de incremento

Jul 07 2022 a las 21:11
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Recursos propios: (0%) $0
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $340.30
  • Retiradas de fondos: $404.67
  • Transacciones: 1,135
  • Pips: 859.1
  • Ganados: 58%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 8h 29m
  • Lotes : 22.7
  • Factor de beneficio: 1.08
  • A diario: 0.01%
  • Mensualmente: 0.32%
  • Transacciones por mes 21
  • Expectativa: 0.8 Pips / $0.06
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +4
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
25.11.2021 08:49:05 - - Retirada - - - -404.67 - -
25.11.2021 01:20:04 25.11.2021 02:50:08 USDJPY Vender 0.02 116.45200 114.44800 115.44700 115.37500 7.2 1.21 1h 30m +0.30%
25.11.2021 01:05:04 25.11.2021 02:45:00 USDJPY Vender 0.02 116.42900 114.42400 115.42400 115.39500 2.9 0.46 1h 39m +0.11%
24.11.2021 22:25:02 25.11.2021 01:15:04 USDJPY Comprar 0.02 114.37900 116.38100 115.38100 115.43900 5.8 0.91 2h 50m +0.23%
23.11.2021 22:55:00 24.11.2021 06:00:01 USDJPY Vender 0.02 116.11800 114.11500 115.11500 115.07300 4.2 0.62 7h 5m +0.15%
23.11.2021 23:00:08 24.11.2021 04:35:01 USDJPY Vender 0.02 116.15100 114.14900 115.14600 115.03000 11.6 1.91 5h 34m +0.48%
23.11.2021 22:00:01 24.11.2021 04:35:01 USDJPY Vender 0.02 116.07500 114.07400 115.07400 115.03000 4.4 0.66 6h 35m +0.17%
22.11.2021 22:00:01 22.11.2021 22:40:00 USDJPY Vender 0.02 115.94800 113.94700 114.94800 114.88700 6.1 1.02 39m +0.26%
19.11.2021 22:15:00 22.11.2021 06:00:02 USDJPY Vender 0.02 115.02800 113.02700 114.02400 114.12200 -9.8 -1.97 2d -0.49%
22.11.2021 01:10:00 22.11.2021 05:55:01 USDJPY Vender 0.02 115.06900 113.06400 114.06500 114.11400 -4.9 -0.90 4h 45m -0.22%
Página de 114
No hay órdenes abiertas.
No hay transacciones abiertas.
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