Last chance Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $45.00/Month

Last chance Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $45.00/Month

Fully manual trading with constant monitoring of the pricing situation. Trading is conducted on a clean chart. Sometimes I use additional filters to determine the accuracy of the input. Trading is based on finding certain patterns drawn by the price. The minimum balance for subscription is determined from the value of the balance on the signal. Up to $ 500, the lot is no more than 0.02. From 500 to 1000 lots will be from 0.03 to 0.05.

Gráfico de incremento

Aug 24 2023 a las 21:17
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Recursos propios: (0%) $0
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $198.16
  • Retiradas de fondos: $1.38
  • Transacciones: 487
  • Pips: -1,134.2
  • Ganados: 69%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 18h 52m
  • Lotes : 5.73
  • Factor de beneficio: 0.77
  • A diario: -0.62%
  • Mensualmente: -16.97%
  • Transacciones por mes 13
  • Expectativa: -2.3 Pips / -$0.4
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +2
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
09.07.2022 07:45:40 - - Retirada - - - -0.60 - -
01.04.2022 01:48:58 - - Depósito - - - 0.60 - -
25.03.2022 15:38:28 - - Retirada - - - -0.78 - -
25.03.2022 14:42:19 25.03.2022 15:20:58 USDJPY Vender 0.01 - - 121.73500 121.95000 -21.5 -1.80 38m -69.77%
25.03.2022 13:01:47 25.03.2022 14:37:13 USDJPY Vender 0.01 121.72900 114.76300 121.74200 121.73300 0.9 0.03 1h 35m +1.18%
25.03.2022 09:57:55 25.03.2022 13:00:34 USDJPY Vender 0.01 121.76700 114.81300 121.79200 121.76700 2.5 0.17 3h 2m +7.14%
25.03.2022 09:34:15 25.03.2022 09:56:10 USDJPY Vender 0.01 121.80800 - 121.82000 121.80900 1.1 0.05 21m +2.15%
25.03.2022 09:17:49 25.03.2022 09:24:19 USDJPY Vender 0.01 - - 121.85300 121.82900 2.4 0.16 6m +7.37%
25.03.2022 09:17:23 25.03.2022 09:17:44 USDJPY Comprar 0.01 - - 121.87200 121.85900 -1.3 -0.15 21s -6.47%
25.03.2022 06:44:46 25.03.2022 09:17:20 USDJPY Vender 0.02 - 114.78700 121.35100 121.86600 -51.5 -8.53 2h 32m -67.91%
Página de 52
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