Twilight MT5 Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 5, $40.00/Month

Twilight MT5 Señales

Clasificación Pendientes , Real , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 5, $40.00/Month

-STRATEGY. Multicurrency short-term trade during mostly asian session based on indicator analysis + integrated additional filters. Average holding time up to several hours, seldom trades may keep running for a few days. Quantity of pairs varies (from 5 to 15) subject to market condition changes and regular optimisation process.

-SAFETY. Never use: grid techniques, martingale. All orders always have fixed Stop Loss levels.

Please always keep in mind that this strategy is focused on safety, thus do not expect beautiful straightforward profitability line. A lot of minor lossy trades will occur because the system tries to avoid keeping orders for days or catching big losses. Monthly result can not be predicted, but you can use historical data to have overall understanding. It is important to keep in mind that lossy days and even lossy months will occur - this is part of strategy! Patience is the key, do not panic.

Gráfico de incremento

Dec 02 2021 a las 09:18
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $9364.18
  • Recursos propios: (100.00%) $9,364.18
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $10735.28
  • Retiradas de fondos: $0
  • Transacciones: 7,112
  • Pips: -2,964.6
  • Ganados: 68%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 11h 48m
  • Lotes : 762.69
  • Factor de beneficio: 1.44
  • A diario: 0.09%
  • Mensualmente: 2.84%
  • Transacciones por mes 117
  • Expectativa: -0.4 Pips / $3.42
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +2
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
01.12.2021 23:29:08 02.12.2021 03:29:10 EURCHF Vender 0.53 - - 1.04197 1.04160 3.7 6.75 4h 0m +0.07%
02.12.2021 01:13:49 02.12.2021 01:24:55 USDJPY Vender 0.87 - 112.85300 112.91900 112.85200 6.7 47.29 11m +0.51%
01.12.2021 03:11:08 01.12.2021 09:39:01 USDJPY Vender 0.87 - - 113.40100 113.39400 0.7 1.01 6h 27m +0.01%
01.12.2021 01:02:15 01.12.2021 09:25:01 EURCHF Vender 0.52 - - 1.04181 1.04179 0.2 -1.81 8h 22m -0.02%
01.12.2021 01:13:51 01.12.2021 08:04:02 USDCHF Vender 0.49 - - 0.91895 0.92016 -12.1 -66.89 6h 50m -0.72%
01.12.2021 01:28:21 01.12.2021 02:15:17 USDJPY Vender 0.86 - - 113.28900 113.17800 11.1 80.05 46m +0.85%
01.12.2021 01:20:38 01.12.2021 02:02:29 CHFJPY Vender 0.65 - 123.13400 123.23700 123.13400 10.3 55.60 41m +0.60%
01.12.2021 00:06:08 01.12.2021 01:38:44 NZDCAD Comprar 0.36 - - 0.87179 0.87252 7.3 19.35 1h 32m +0.21%
29.11.2021 00:44:29 29.11.2021 07:22:30 USDCHF Vender 0.48 - - 0.92352 0.92535 -18.3 -97.33 6h 38m -1.04%
29.11.2021 01:14:11 29.11.2021 07:08:22 AUDUSD Vender 0.27 - - 0.71386 0.71355 3.1 7.41 5h 54m +0.08%
Página de 713
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