Windmill Portfolio Señales

Clasificación #552 , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Windmill Portfolio Señales

Clasificación #552 , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

I use multiple strategies in this account, no risky strategies like martingle or grid.
The main strategy is trending and momentum.
Also there are some scalper strategies trading at Asian session.
Averange holding time will be several hours. Low risk and stable profit.
Trading all currency pairs and gold. Recommend minimum deposit $500.
I've been trading in market over 9 years, hope my experience can help you achieve stable profitability.
With low spread and latency, the performance will be better.
Thanks for your trust.
With patience and faith let's enjoy profit together.

Gráfico de incremento

27 [hace] minutos
Estadísticas avanzadas
  • Saldo: $1482.83
  • Recursos propios: (95.99%) $1,423.41
  • Beneficio/pérdida flotante: -$59.42
  • Depósitos: $918.10
  • Retiradas de fondos: $6
  • Transacciones: 3,755
  • Pips: 86,382.3
  • Ganados: 58%
  • Prom. Hora de transacción: 11h 23m
  • Lotes : 89.76
  • Factor de beneficio: 1.06
  • A diario: 0.11%
  • Mensualmente: 3.23%
  • Transacciones por mes 221
  • Expectativa: 23 Pips / $0.15
Mensualmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Actividad Timezone: GMT +2
Fecha abierta Fecha de cierre Símbolo Acción Lotes SL TP Abrir Cerrar Pips Beneficios Duración Incremento
05.02.2025 03:34:50 05.02.2025 07:33:17 EURSGD Vender 0.03 1.41095 - 1.40395 1.40338 5.7 1.05 3h 58m +0.07%
05.02.2025 02:00:00 05.02.2025 04:11:41 GBPCAD Vender 0.03 1.79679 - 1.78880 1.78746 13.4 2.59 2h 11m +0.18%
04.02.2025 21:10:36 04.02.2025 23:23:11 GBPCAD Comprar 0.03 1.78068 - 1.78867 1.78839 -2.8 -0.80 2h 12m -0.05%
04.02.2025 02:33:00 04.02.2025 06:27:03 GBPCAD Vender 0.03 1.80224 - 1.79422 1.79585 -16.3 -3.59 3h 54m -0.24%
03.02.2025 23:32:00 04.02.2025 02:34:54 EURSGD Vender 0.03 1.40981 - 1.40281 1.40394 -11.3 -2.68 3h 2m -0.18%
03.02.2025 23:37:08 04.02.2025 02:30:52 GBPCAD Comprar 0.03 1.78839 - 1.79627 1.79432 -19.5 -4.31 2h 53m -0.29%
03.02.2025 23:36:24 03.02.2025 23:36:30 GBPCAD Comprar 0.03 1.78801 - 1.79639 1.80214 57.5 11.68 6s +0.79%
03.02.2025 23:19:49 03.02.2025 23:36:23 GBPCAD Comprar 0.03 1.79583 - 1.80375 1.79604 -77.1 -16.21 16m -1.08%
03.02.2025 22:30:01 03.02.2025 23:19:49 GBPCAD Vender 0.03 1.81494 - 1.80694 1.80383 31.1 6.21 49m +0.42%
03.02.2025 20:00:51 03.02.2025 21:20:49 EURSGD Comprar 0.03 1.39348 - 1.40049 1.40209 16.0 3.31 1h 19m +0.22%
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