100PA4000EUR Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

100PA4000EUR Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

My trading system is based on statistical probability and mathematics. I do not use any standard tool of technical and fundamental analysis. Trades a fully automated trading system (EA) with 100% oversight of trades. It is thoroughly tested on MT4 from 2010 to present. I have been successfully applying this trading strategy since 2015.

Graphique des gains

Il y a 1 minute
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: €0.00
  • Fonds propres: (0%) €0
  • PP flottant: €0.00
  • Acomptes: €30184.53
  • Retraits: €33,074.57
  • Opérations: 2,885
  • Pips: 11,258.7
  • Gagné: 84%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 2d
  • Lots : 77.75
  • Facteur de profit: 1.45
  • Quotidien: 0.01%
  • Mensuel: 0.30%
  • Opérations par mois 32
  • Expectative: 3.9 Pips / €1
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +3
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
08.08.2024 13:22:59 - - Retrait - - - -2851.26 - -
05.08.2024 09:03:29 05.08.2024 09:32:46 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.03792 1.03792 0.53790 0.54705 91.5 39.22 29m +1.39%
05.08.2024 09:03:27 05.08.2024 09:32:45 AUDCAD Acheter 0.04 0.38729 1.38729 0.88712 0.89296 58.4 15.18 29m +0.54%
05.08.2024 09:01:28 05.08.2024 09:32:44 AUDNZD Acheter 0.05 0.58625 1.58625 1.08626 1.08808 18.2 4.60 31m +0.17%
05.08.2024 09:01:52 05.08.2024 09:32:44 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.04123 1.04123 0.54119 0.54692 57.3 24.47 30m +0.89%
05.08.2024 09:03:15 05.08.2024 09:32:44 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.03955 1.03955 0.53954 0.54697 74.3 31.79 29m +1.15%
05.08.2024 09:00:55 05.08.2024 09:32:43 AUDCAD Acheter 0.04 0.39182 1.39182 0.89182 0.89287 10.5 2.52 31m +0.09%
05.08.2024 09:00:23 05.08.2024 09:32:42 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.04290 1.04290 0.54289 0.54689 40.0 16.99 32m +0.63%
05.08.2024 08:58:19 05.08.2024 09:32:42 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.04453 1.04453 0.54459 0.54686 22.7 9.53 34m +0.35%
05.08.2024 08:52:44 05.08.2024 09:32:41 AUDCHF Acheter 0.04 0.04634 1.04634 0.54630 0.54687 5.7 2.20 39m +0.08%
Page de 295
Aucune commande ouverte.
Aucune opération ouverte.
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