BD GOLD 3 Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

BD GOLD 3 Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

This signal only trade XAUUSD.
I advice 1k balance to run safely this configuration, minimum leverage is 1:500.
ECN or low spread account is required for the best performance.
The system goal is to scalp the market, avg. trade duration is ~3h, we don't like to stay long in market.
Smart martingale system will help in case market goes against our 1st position.
We expect from 7 to 15 trades per week.
The account is activley monitored.

Graphique des gains

Aug 23 2023 à 21:15
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: €6.87
  • Fonds propres: (100.00%) €6.87
  • PP flottant: €0.00
  • Acomptes: €1073.81
  • Retraits: €0
  • Opérations: 670
  • Pips: 14,427
  • Gagné: 70%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 3h 24m
  • Lots : 54.04
  • Facteur de profit: 0.89
  • Quotidien: -0.36%
  • Mensuel: -10.29%
  • Opérations par mois 15
  • Expectative: 21.5 Pips / -€1.67
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +2
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
16.08.2022 07:25:05 16.08.2022 10:59:17 XAUUSD Acheter 0.05 - - 1781.09000 1776.19000 -490.0 -24.47 3h 34m -78.08%
15.08.2022 01:45:00 15.08.2022 10:07:42 XAUUSD Acheter 0.05 - - 1800.54000 1790.11000 -1043.0 -51.31 8h 22m -31.66%
15.08.2022 08:24:09 15.08.2022 10:07:42 XAUUSD Acheter 0.11 - - 1792.62000 1790.11000 -251.0 -27.75 1h 43m -46.96%
15.08.2022 05:04:59 15.08.2022 10:07:42 XAUUSD Acheter 0.08 - - 1796.65000 1790.11000 -654.0 -51.69 5h 2m -46.66%
11.08.2022 01:05:02 11.08.2022 01:46:32 XAUUSD Vendre 0.05 - - 1792.79000 1791.21000 158.0 7.32 41m +4.73%
09.08.2022 20:45:00 10.08.2022 12:29:10 XAUUSD Acheter 0.05 - - 1794.86000 1793.99000 -87.0 -5.25 15h 44m -3.87%
10.08.2022 07:22:29 10.08.2022 12:29:10 XAUUSD Acheter 0.08 - - 1790.76000 1793.94000 318.0 24.31 5h 6m +18.63%
09.08.2022 01:55:02 09.08.2022 02:34:39 XAUUSD Acheter 0.05 - - 1788.46000 1790.13000 167.0 7.84 39m +6.13%
05.08.2022 04:20:00 05.08.2022 16:03:07 XAUUSD Acheter 0.05 - - 1792.05000 1766.16000 -2589.0 -127.76 11h 43m -11.51%
05.08.2022 11:10:50 05.08.2022 16:03:07 XAUUSD Acheter 0.08 - - 1787.91000 1766.16000 -2175.0 -171.82 4h 52m -17.50%
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