By night all night Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $40.00/Month

By night all night Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $40.00/Month

We trade Dow Jones US30 in the last hour of trading.
Sometimes trades can close in the next day, but never after the first hour.
It will take just one trade at a time, without risky strategies
Enjoy your profits

Graphique des gains

15 Minutes
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: €0.00
  • Fonds propres: (0%) €0
  • PP flottant: €0.00
  • Acomptes: €973.49
  • Retraits: €1,553.32
  • Opérations: 79
  • Pips: 251.1
  • Gagné: 66%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 15m
  • Lots : 185.27
  • Facteur de profit: 1.43
  • Quotidien: 0.14%
  • Mensuel: 4.23%
  • Opérations par mois 7
  • Expectative: 3.2 Pips / €7.34
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +2
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
27.08.2024 07:41:49 - - Retrait - - - -1553.32 - -
22.08.2024 23:04:38 22.08.2024 23:08:33 XAUUSD Vendre 0.99 - 2482.68000 2483.68000 2482.71000 97.0 80.00 3m +5.43%
22.08.2024 23:03:19 22.08.2024 23:03:31 XAUUSD Vendre 0.99 - 2483.00000 2483.55000 2482.99000 56.0 43.46 12s +3.04%
19.08.2024 22:59:58 19.08.2024 23:01:17 XAUUSD Vendre 0.99 - 2505.00000 2505.66000 2504.95000 71.0 56.99 1m +4.15%
14.08.2024 22:59:58 15.08.2024 01:03:44 XAUUSD Vendre 0.99 - - 2447.12000 2448.24000 -112.0 -51.06 2h 3m -3.59%
07.08.2024 22:59:58 07.08.2024 23:04:07 XAUUSD Acheter 0.99 - 2386.72000 2385.72000 2386.78000 106.0 89.64 4m +6.72%
24.07.2024 23:07:18 24.07.2024 23:07:56 XAUUSD Acheter 0.01 - - 2400.11000 2400.38000 27.0 0.19 38s +0.01%
24.07.2024 22:59:58 24.07.2024 23:07:18 XAUUSD Acheter 0.01 - 2400.00000 2398.83000 2400.07000 124.0 1.08 7m +0.08%
13.06.2024 01:00:42 13.06.2024 01:06:14 US30 Acheter 1.00 - - 38697.43000 38703.98000 6.6 6.06 5m +0.46%
13.06.2024 01:00:13 13.06.2024 01:06:13 US30 Acheter 1.00 - - 38705.43000 38703.98000 -1.5 -1.34 6m -0.10%
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