Rang En attente
Réel , USD
Deriv , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5,
Full automatic trading system base on martingale on volatily index 75 and 75 (S) only. Minimum to copy is $2000. Profit target 25-30%/month, MaxDD ~41%. Broker : Deriv The strategy is: 1 - Place an order according to the direction of the market trend. 2 - Orders will be placed if there has been a price correction. 3 - If the price correction remains against the market trend, it will do martingale to accelerate reaching the profit target. 4 - If the existing order has not reached the profit target while the market trend has changed, then hedging will be carried out as a safety of funds. If all buy and sell orders have reached the set profit target, the EA will close all orders.