Rang #289 , Réel , USD , Vida Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month


Rang #289 , Réel , USD , Vida Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Minimum Balance-1000 USD.

THIS is game-changer in the world of forex trading, offering an advanced technology system designed to help traders maximize their profits while minimizing risks. This cutting-edge software traders since 2017 and boasts an impressive 80% accuracy rate in predicting market trends.

LOW RISK Strategy....

Graphique des gains

Il y a 1 minute
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $3067.82
  • Fonds propres: (100.00%) $3,067.76
  • PP flottant: -$0.06
  • Acomptes: $4018.44
  • Retraits: $3,327.05
  • Opérations: 918
  • Pips: 1,671.4
  • Gagné: 69%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 22h 21m
  • Lots : 33.77
  • Facteur de profit: 1.97
  • Quotidien: 0.19%
  • Mensuel: 5.84%
  • Opérations par mois 71
  • Expectative: 1.8 Pips / $2.59
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +3
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
05.09.2024 00:34:05 06.09.2024 15:30:04 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.01 - 1.10623 1.10823 1.10906 -8.3 -0.83 1d -0.03%
05.09.2024 19:01:43 06.09.2024 15:30:03 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.04 - 1.10604 1.10968 1.10819 14.9 5.96 20h 28m +0.19%
06.09.2024 03:58:02 06.09.2024 15:30:02 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.08 - 1.10604 1.11141 1.10875 26.6 21.28 11h 32m +0.70%
05.09.2024 11:08:09 05.09.2024 17:40:09 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.02 - 1.10824 1.10924 1.10825 9.9 1.98 6h 32m +0.07%
05.09.2024 14:28:00 05.09.2024 17:39:09 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.03 - 1.10835 1.11055 1.10829 22.6 6.78 3h 11m +0.22%
05.09.2024 10:11:29 - - Dépôt - - - 5.66 - -
04.09.2024 04:00:00 04.09.2024 20:29:01 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.01 - 1.10276 1.10476 1.10732 -25.6 -2.56 16h 29m -0.08%
04.09.2024 10:26:57 04.09.2024 20:29:00 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.03 - 1.10381 1.10601 1.10732 -13.1 -3.93 10h 2m -0.13%
04.09.2024 17:00:51 04.09.2024 20:29:00 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.04 - 1.10383 1.10747 1.10732 1.5 0.60 3h 28m +0.02%
04.09.2024 17:56:15 04.09.2024 20:28:59 EURUSD.R Vendre 0.08 - 1.10382 1.10919 1.10731 18.8 15.04 2h 32m +0.50%
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