Rang En attente , Réel , USD , IC Markets , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month


Rang En attente , Réel , USD , IC Markets , 1:400 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

the GBP Avenger system is work on Elliot's wave theory with strtict time limitation in forex Markets, it can work in long term stable incoming, you can invest on it from 1000$ to 100,000$ in tight spreads broker's account, it will make you trade 100% automaticlly. earn U.S.D. , good luck.

Graphique des gains

Jun 22 2020 à 11:46
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $437.20
  • Fonds propres: (100.00%) $437.2
  • PP flottant: $0.00
  • Acomptes: $350.00
  • Retraits: $0
  • Opérations: 231
  • Pips: 926.5
  • Gagné: 70%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 7h 19m
  • Lots : 2.49
  • Facteur de profit: 1.72
  • Quotidien: 0.04%
  • Mensuel: 1.08%
  • Opérations par mois 3
  • Expectative: 4 Pips / $0.38
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +3
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
19.06.2020 21:15:00 22.06.2020 04:07:46 GBPUSD Acheter 0.01 1.22196 1.24496 1.23496 1.23553 5.7 0.46 2d +0.11%
17.06.2020 21:00:00 18.06.2020 02:14:29 GBPUSD Vendre 0.01 1.26856 1.24556 1.25556 1.25577 -2.1 -0.35 5h 14m -0.08%
16.06.2020 22:15:00 17.06.2020 02:30:00 GBPUSD Acheter 0.01 1.24367 1.26667 1.25667 1.25745 7.8 0.67 4h 15m +0.15%
15.06.2020 21:15:00 16.06.2020 09:15:00 GBPUSD Vendre 0.01 1.27226 1.24926 1.25926 1.26616 -69.0 -6.99 12h 0m -1.58%
12.06.2020 23:00:01 15.06.2020 04:15:00 GBPUSD Vendre 0.01 1.26495 1.24195 1.25195 1.24992 20.3 1.94 2d +0.44%
15.06.2020 01:15:01 15.06.2020 03:15:05 USDJPY Vendre 0.01 108.93600 106.53600 107.53600 107.26700 26.9 2.44 2h 0m +0.56%
12.06.2020 19:45:00 12.06.2020 23:00:00 USDJPY Vendre 0.01 108.87300 106.47300 107.47300 107.38400 8.9 0.76 3h 15m +0.17%
12.06.2020 20:00:00 12.06.2020 23:00:00 GBPUSD Acheter 0.01 1.23743 1.26043 1.25043 1.25196 15.3 1.46 3h 0m +0.33%
11.06.2020 20:15:00 12.06.2020 08:45:00 GBPUSD Acheter 0.01 1.24761 1.27061 1.26061 1.25859 -20.2 -2.13 12h 30m -0.49%
12.06.2020 01:30:01 12.06.2020 05:15:00 USDJPY Acheter 0.01 105.31000 107.71000 106.71000 106.83800 12.8 1.13 3h 44m +0.26%
Page de 24
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Aucune opération ouverte.
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