Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $120.00/Month


Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Darwinex , 1:200 ,MetaTrader 4, $120.00/Month

This strategy trades 8-10 Pairs keeping daily risk bellow 2% and only 0.5% risk per trade .
It Uses Compounding to grow the account . Minimum Recomended Amount is $1K with Mini Lots

5K for standard lots and minimum 30:1 Leverage

Graphique des gains

1 Hour ago
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $286053.25
  • Fonds propres: (80.94%) $231,519.19
  • PP flottant: -$54534.06
  • Acomptes: $100000.00
  • Retraits: $0
  • Opérations: 190
  • Pips: 9,692.3
  • Gagné: 78%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 1d
  • Lots : 1,501
  • Facteur de profit: 3.12
  • Quotidien: 1.41%
  • Mensuel: 51.64%
  • Opérations par mois 63
  • Expectative: 51 Pips / $979.23
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +2
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
31.12.2024 12:04:51 02.01.2025 11:19:21 EURNZD Vendre 10.00 - - 1.85103 1.84401 70.2 3896.34 1d +1.38%
31.12.2024 12:04:48 02.01.2025 11:19:20 EURNZD Vendre 10.00 - - 1.85111 1.84399 71.2 3952.58 1d +1.42%
31.12.2024 12:04:48 02.01.2025 11:19:19 EURNZD Vendre 10.00 - - 1.85111 1.84399 71.2 3952.65 1d +1.44%
31.12.2024 07:19:48 31.12.2024 12:04:43 EURJPY Acheter 10.00 - - 162.55500 163.16800 61.3 3860.06 4h 44m +1.43%
31.12.2024 07:19:41 31.12.2024 12:04:42 USDJPY Acheter 10.00 - - 156.18000 156.69100 51.1 3211.20 4h 45m +1.20%
31.12.2024 07:19:35 31.12.2024 12:04:41 EURJPY Acheter 10.00 - - 162.56100 163.16700 60.6 3815.45 4h 45m +1.45%
31.12.2024 07:19:31 31.12.2024 12:04:40 GBPJPY Acheter 10.00 - - 195.98800 196.57700 58.9 3696.23 4h 45m +1.42%
30.12.2024 15:58:40 31.12.2024 07:19:27 USDCHF Vendre 10.00 - - 0.90573 0.90295 27.8 2424.45 15h 20m +0.94%
30.12.2024 15:58:37 31.12.2024 07:19:25 USDCHF Vendre 10.00 - - 0.90571 0.90295 27.6 2402.30 15h 20m +0.94%
30.12.2024 15:58:33 31.12.2024 07:19:24 USDCHF Vendre 10.00 - - 0.90561 0.90293 26.8 2313.76 15h 20m +0.92%
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