Haswell Red Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Tickmill , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

Haswell Red Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Tickmill , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

Haswell Red is a short-term system that is designed to provide investors with short and significant monthly % profits.

This is an aggressive system that might give investors huge drawdowns from time to time.
However, risks are calculated and filtering methods are continuously being improved.

To secure profits, we highly suggest taking 20-50% of your monthly gains off of this system and letting the remaining 50-80% compound over time.


PRO-RATA (recommended): use this if your account is having more than or equal to 1:500 leverage AND having a balance that is at least $1000.
FIXED LOTS (not recommended)
Using MULTIPLIER is not recommended.
Good luck!

-Haswell Capitals

Graphique des gains

May 19 2023 à 20:57
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $1103.14
  • Fonds propres: (100.00%) $1,103.14
  • PP flottant: $0.00
  • Acomptes: $517.44
  • Retraits: $0
  • Opérations: 387
  • Pips: 1,597
  • Gagné: 76%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 12h 45m
  • Lots : 15.05
  • Facteur de profit: 2
  • Quotidien: 0.09%
  • Mensuel: 2.88%
  • Opérations par mois 13
  • Expectative: 4.1 Pips / $1.51
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +2
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
18.05.2023 16:30:02 19.05.2023 12:37:44 AUDCAD Acheter 0.04 - 0.89748 0.89230 0.89748 51.8 15.17 20h 7m +1.39%
18.05.2023 11:00:00 19.05.2023 10:30:00 AUDCAD Acheter 0.04 - 0.89790 0.89384 0.89686 30.2 8.74 23h 30m +0.81%
18.05.2023 11:30:00 19.05.2023 02:45:00 AUDCAD Acheter 0.04 - 0.89568 0.89353 0.89486 13.3 3.73 15h 15m +0.35%
12.05.2023 16:45:00 16.05.2023 01:24:56 NZDCAD Acheter 0.04 - 0.84069 0.83962 0.84071 10.9 3.13 3d +0.29%
02.05.2023 17:45:00 05.05.2023 15:30:04 NZDCAD Vendre 0.04 - 0.84800 0.84604 0.84803 -19.9 -6.53 2d -0.61%
03.05.2023 04:45:00 05.05.2023 15:30:03 NZDCAD Vendre 0.10 - 0.84800 0.84947 0.84803 14.4 9.31 2d +0.87%
03.05.2023 04:30:00 05.05.2023 15:30:03 NZDCAD Vendre 0.04 - 0.84616 0.84899 0.84821 7.8 1.78 2d +0.17%
04.05.2023 19:15:01 05.05.2023 15:30:02 NZDCAD Vendre 0.09 - 0.84616 0.85376 0.84821 55.5 36.48 20h 15m +3.54%
03.05.2023 02:30:00 05.05.2023 15:30:01 NZDCAD Vendre 0.04 - 0.84767 0.84697 0.85020 -32.3 -10.09 2d -0.97%
04.05.2023 14:00:00 05.05.2023 15:30:00 NZDCAD Vendre 0.10 - 0.84767 0.85192 0.85003 18.9 13.49 1d +1.31%
Page de 39
Aucune commande ouverte.
Aucune opération ouverte.
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