NomadPilot Signaux

Rang #442 , Réel , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

NomadPilot Signaux

Rang #442 , Réel , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

XAU/USD EA automated trading with manual oversight. Monthly returns of between 8%-16%.
Account protection with automatic hedging, and equity protection.
Trading from 2021 - 2023 was used as a trial, so do your best to ignore that. Main trading consistent from April 2024 :-)

Graphique des gains

Sep 06 à 20:34
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $806102.52
  • Fonds propres: (78.65%) $633,992.34
  • PP flottant: -$172110.18
  • Acomptes: $22096354.45
  • Retraits: $21,364,753.3
  • Opérations: 3,195
  • Pips: 224,989
  • Gagné: 74%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 1d
  • Lots : 1,607.99
  • Facteur de profit: 1.54
  • Quotidien: 0.03%
  • Mensuel: 1.01%
  • Opérations par mois 84
  • Expectative: 70.4 Pips / $64.89
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +3
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
06.09.2024 19:41:30 06.09.2024 20:39:05 XAUUSD Acheter 0.64 - - 2488.02000 2493.45000 543.0 347.52 57m +0.04%
06.09.2024 19:24:34 06.09.2024 20:32:51 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2493.60000 2496.79000 319.0 200.97 1h 8m +0.02%
06.09.2024 19:23:43 06.09.2024 19:24:34 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2490.02000 2493.28000 326.0 205.38 51s +0.03%
06.09.2024 18:05:02 06.09.2024 18:16:08 XAUUSD Acheter 0.64 - - 2512.43000 2514.47000 204.0 130.56 11m +0.02%
06.09.2024 18:08:14 06.09.2024 18:16:01 XAUUSD Acheter 0.64 - - 2508.92000 2514.55000 563.0 360.32 7m +0.04%
06.09.2024 18:07:40 06.09.2024 18:12:03 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2511.74000 2515.07000 333.0 209.79 4m +0.03%
06.09.2024 15:31:06 06.09.2024 18:01:41 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2526.07000 2517.47000 -860.0 -541.80 2h 30m -0.07%
06.09.2024 15:42:19 06.09.2024 18:01:41 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2524.19000 2517.47000 -672.0 -423.36 2h 19m -0.05%
06.09.2024 16:00:03 06.09.2024 18:01:41 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2520.86000 2517.21000 -365.0 -229.95 2h 1m -0.03%
06.09.2024 16:06:57 06.09.2024 18:01:40 XAUUSD Acheter 0.63 - - 2513.71000 2517.11000 340.0 214.20 1h 54m +0.03%
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