OnlyMath Signaux |
OnlyMath Signaux |
OnlyMath Signaux |
OnlyMath Signaux |
Investment is risky, needs to be cautious, there is no risk-free strategy in the world, please do what you can.
Date d'ouverture | Date de clôture | Symbole | Action | Lots | SL | TP | Ouvert | Clôturer | Pips | Bénéfice | Durée | Gains |
12.7 |
18.4 |
18.2 |
10.8 |
21.1 |
13.7 |
-2.6 |
18.1 |
21.0 |
12.6 |
Rang | Nom | Gains | Pips | Retrait | Opérations | Type | Mensuel | Graphique | Prix | Âge | Ajouté | Action |
147 | UpToHigh | 499.04% | 16471.4 | 46.1% | 2369 | Réel | Chargement en cours... | Chargement en cours... | $150.00 | 2a 6j | Jul 24, 2024 |