Optimize transactions Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Anzo Capital , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Optimize transactions Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , Anzo Capital , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

The trading system chooses to enter the market after screening
Filter the long-term profit target to which the entry strategy belongs, not the short-term profit target.
Maximum loss target 30%

Graphique des gains

May 03 à 20:57
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $2066.25
  • Fonds propres: (97.59%) $2,016.4
  • PP flottant: -$49.85
  • Acomptes: $300000.00
  • Retraits: $0
  • Opérations: 12,776
  • Pips: -511,412.5
  • Gagné: 35%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 1d
  • Lots : 5,195.96
  • Facteur de profit: 0.81
  • Quotidien: -0.22%
  • Mensuel: -6.48%
  • Opérations par mois 175
  • Expectative: -40 Pips / -$23.32
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +3
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
04.04.2024 18:45:16 10.04.2024 15:46:49 XAUUSD Vendre 0.01 - - 2292.29000 2342.90000 -5061.0 -49.81 5d -2.35%
05.03.2024 15:24:19 01.04.2024 03:32:25 XAUUSD Vendre 2.00 - - 2130.00000 2253.02000 -12302.0 -23505.22 26d -91.74%
01.02.2024 18:45:10 01.04.2024 01:07:52 XAUUSD Vendre 2.00 - - 2065.00000 2243.01000 -17801.0 -33253.96 59d -56.48%
30.12.2021 23:54:43 01.04.2024 01:01:00 XAUUSD Vendre 1.00 - - 1815.00000 2240.91000 -42591.0 -31004.92 822d -24.80%
12.01.2024 14:17:43 01.04.2024 01:01:00 XAUUSD Vendre 2.00 - - 2049.38000 2240.88000 -19150.0 -35123.98 79d -37.37%
13.04.2023 09:21:02 28.03.2024 23:49:21 XAUUSD Vendre 2.00 - - 2018.21000 2234.52000 -21631.0 -29125.94 350d -18.90%
13.09.2022 15:34:11 28.03.2024 23:49:20 XAUUSD Vendre 1.00 - - 1713.15000 2228.69000 -51554.0 -40556.29 562d -12.93%
12.09.2022 10:10:08 28.03.2024 23:49:20 XAUUSD Vendre 1.00 - - 1721.77000 2229.37000 -50760.0 -39753.68 563d -10.14%
12.09.2022 15:02:11 28.03.2024 23:49:20 XAUUSD Vendre 1.00 - - 1731.88000 2229.37000 -49749.0 -38742.68 563d -10.99%
30.03.2023 16:11:13 28.03.2024 23:49:20 XAUUSD Vendre 2.00 - - 1968.77000 2228.69000 -25992.0 -37172.58 364d -15.99%
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