ScalpSurge Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , FP Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $70.00/Month

ScalpSurge Signaux

Rang En attente , Réel , USD , FP Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $70.00/Month

My strategy is based on fast scalping, with most trades closing within a few minutes or hours. However, on rare occasions, I may keep trades open for 3 to 4 days. Please remain patient and allow the trade to reach its target.

Note: I do not trade during the Christmas holiday or the first week of January. Additionally, there might be Fridays when I decide not to trade due to unfavorable market conditions.

Graphique des gains

33 Secondes
Statistiques avancées
  • Solde: $2960.77
  • Fonds propres: (36.52%) $1,081.17
  • PP flottant: -$1879.60
  • Acomptes: $242.27
  • Retraits: $0
  • Opérations: 160
  • Pips: 775.1
  • Gagné: 90%
  • Moy. Heure de l'opération: 8h 46m
  • Lots : 63.61
  • Facteur de profit: 3.08
  • Quotidien: 3.02%
  • Mensuel: 143.21%
  • Opérations par mois 53
  • Expectative: 4.8 Pips / $16.99
Mensuel Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Activité Timezone: GMT +2
Date d'ouverture Date de clôture Symbole Action Lots SL TP Ouvert Clôturer Pips Bénéfice Durée Gains
03.02.2025 09:43:11 03.02.2025 10:00:28 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.02212 1.02271 1.02212 5.9 21.20 17m +0.72%
03.02.2025 09:36:25 03.02.2025 09:42:02 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.02232 1.02293 1.02231 6.2 22.40 5m +0.77%
03.02.2025 08:17:47 03.02.2025 09:35:38 GBPUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.22800 1.22862 1.22801 6.1 22.00 1h 17m +0.76%
20.01.2025 05:31:59 31.01.2025 23:10:18 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.02916 1.03001 1.03607 -60.6 -233.36 11d -7.46%
20.01.2025 15:44:51 31.01.2025 23:10:17 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.03085 1.03818 1.03601 21.7 95.84 11d +3.16%
23.01.2025 18:45:49 31.01.2025 23:10:15 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.03347 1.04230 1.03595 63.5 258.64 8d +9.32%
21.01.2025 19:02:52 23.01.2025 15:30:42 EURUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.03612 1.04239 1.04106 13.3 54.32 1d +2.00%
17.01.2025 17:06:03 17.01.2025 17:18:00 GBPUSD Vendre 0.40 - 1.22144 1.22207 1.22161 4.6 16.00 11m +0.59%
15.01.2025 16:52:29 17.01.2025 17:02:49 GBPUSD Acheter 0.40 - 1.22449 1.22862 1.22040 -82.2 -332.89 2d -10.96%
17.01.2025 16:28:09 17.01.2025 17:02:48 GBPUSD Acheter 0.40 - 1.22061 1.21655 1.22037 38.2 150.40 34m +5.21%
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