Twelve Yearly Backtest 2 Sinyal |
Twelve Yearly Backtest 2 Sinyal |
Twelve Yearly Backtest 2 Sinyal |
Twelve Yearly Backtest 2 Sinyal |
My trading system is based on statistical probability and mathematics. I do not use any standard tool of technical and fundamental analysis. Trades a fully automated trading system (EA) with 100% oversight of trades. It is thoroughly tested on MT4 from 2010 to present (Backtest is in my profile). I have been successfully applying this trading strategy since 2015.
Backtest MT4 1.1.2010-15.4.2022
3673 Trades, 82%Win , ProfitFactor 1,75
Size 0,01L-0,03L
Max Volume - 0,50L
Open trades simultaneously - 30
Average annual appreciation of the account - 260EUR (Average since 2010)
Maximal Drawdown - 750 EUR
Backtest MT4 1.1.2010-15.4.2022
12577 Trades, 87%Win, ProfitFactor 1,95
Size - 0,01L-0,05L
Max Volume - 0,44L
Open trades simultaneously - 30
Average annual appreciation of the account 400 EUR (Average since 2010)
Maximal Drawdown - 700 EUR
Backtest MT4 1.1.2010-15.4.2022
48750 Trades, 86%WIN, ProfitFactor 1,87
Tanggal Buka | Tutup penutupan | Simbol | Tindakan | Lot | SL | TP | Buka | Tutup | Pip | Keuntungan | Durasi | Perolehan |
7.3 |
18.2 |
18.1 |
18.3 |
18.0 |
17.3 |
18.3 |
8.4 |
8.4 |
8.6 |
Peringkat | Nama | Perolehan | Pip | DD | Perdagangan | Tipe | Bulanan | Grafik | Harga | Usia | Ditambahkan | Tindakan |
253 | Twelve Yearly Backtest 1 | 405.37% | 40343.7 | 21.4% | 5945 | Riil | Sedang memuat... | Sedang memuat... | $30.00 | 7tahun 7menit | Oktober 18, 2020 | |
257 | TWELVE YEARLY BACKTEST 4 | 392.63% | 37930.9 | 18.3% | 7358 | Riil | Sedang memuat... | Sedang memuat... | $30.00 | 7tahun 7menit | Januari 27, 2023 | |
355 | GRID02 | 442.13% | 42430.6 | 32.0% | 7233 | Riil | Sedang memuat... | Sedang memuat... | $30.00 | 7tahun 7menit | Oktober 1, 2020 | |
361 | 30PA15000EUR | 616.63% | 28513.6 | 38.8% | 5189 | Riil | Sedang memuat... | Sedang memuat... | $30.00 | 8tahun 2menit | Januari 3, 2024 | |
- | 100PA4000EUR | 31.23% | 11258.7 | 73.7% | 2885 | Riil | Sedang memuat... | Sedang memuat... | $30.00 | 7tahun 7menit | Januari 3, 2024 |