Angel EURUSD Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , BDSwiss , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $100.00/Month

Angel EURUSD Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , BDSwiss , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $100.00/Month


I focus on trading EURUSD with 1:500 leverage on a standard account. I started with a lot of 0.01 and a $1200 USD minimum balance, but more balance is better for safety. I follow the direction of the market trend and will make price corrections if there is a strong trend change in the market.

Grafico dei guadagni

15 Poche ore fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $4094.12
  • Capitale netto: (100.00%) $4,094.12
  • P.P. oscillanti: $0.00
  • Depositi: $104831.25
  • Prelievi: $103,233.06
  • Negoziazioni: 3,450
  • Punti: 979.2
  • Vinto: 64%
  • Media: 15h 1m
  • Lotti : 169.32
  • Fattore di utili: 1.24
  • Giornaliero: -0.08%
  • Mensile: -2.34%
  • Operazioni al mese 119
  • Aspettativa: 0.3 Punti / $0.72
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +2
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
26.11.2024 14:53:19 - - Prelievo - - - -500.00 - -
25.11.2024 01:00:02 25.11.2024 09:24:48 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.04641 1.04704 -6.3 -0.63 8h 24m -0.01%
25.11.2024 01:00:03 25.11.2024 09:24:47 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.04615 1.04704 -8.9 -0.89 8h 24m -0.02%
23.11.2024 12:55:07 - - Deposito - - - 2415.00 - -
22.11.2024 06:00:04 22.11.2024 10:50:24 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.04739 1.04574 16.5 1.65 4h 50m +0.08%
22.11.2024 10:00:02 22.11.2024 10:50:23 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.04854 1.04573 28.1 2.81 50m +0.13%
22.11.2024 10:00:14 22.11.2024 10:50:22 EURUSD Vendere 0.02 - - 1.04864 1.04574 29.0 5.80 50m +0.27%
21.11.2024 02:00:08 21.11.2024 09:20:07 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.05450 1.05351 9.9 0.99 7h 19m +0.05%
21.11.2024 03:00:10 21.11.2024 09:20:07 EURUSD Vendere 0.01 - - 1.05466 1.05349 11.7 1.17 6h 19m +0.05%
21.11.2024 05:00:08 21.11.2024 09:20:06 EURUSD Vendere 0.02 - - 1.05490 1.05348 14.2 2.84 4h 19m +0.13%
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