Calibre Gold Segnali

Grado #227 , Reale , USD , Headway , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Calibre Gold Segnali

Grado #227 , Reale , USD , Headway , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Our Trading Account is protected by an Equity Control Mechanism, which can be set to your personal risk appetite.
#Minimum Deposit to Copy $300
#Recomended Laverage 1:200
#Recomended Use ECN Broker Low Spread
#Target Gain of 10-500% in One Month
#All trades comply with FIFO rules

No dangerous methods of money management used, no martingale, no grid, scalp or hedge.

Grafico dei guadagni

11 Pochi minuti fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $1033.17
  • Capitale netto: (100.00%) $1,033.17
  • P.P. oscillanti: $0.00
  • Depositi: $500.00
  • Prelievi: $0
  • Negoziazioni: 433
  • Punti: 53,317
  • Vinto: 76%
  • Media: 6h 48m
  • Lotti : 4.33
  • Fattore di utili: 1.4
  • Giornaliero: 0.23%
  • Mensile: 7.01%
  • Operazioni al mese 39
  • Aspettativa: 123.1 Punti / $1.23
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +2
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
08.01.2025 16:03:46 08.01.2025 19:28:59 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.78000 2696.92000 2663.92000 2664.78000 86.0 0.86 3h 25m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:05:28 08.01.2025 19:28:59 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.79000 2696.92000 2663.92000 2664.79000 87.0 0.87 3h 23m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:31:45 08.01.2025 16:47:01 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2642.12000 2679.12000 2664.62000 2663.58000 -104.0 -1.04 15m -0.10%
08.01.2025 16:31:48 08.01.2025 16:47:00 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2656.82000 2713.82000 2664.82000 2663.11000 -171.0 -1.71 15m -0.17%
08.01.2025 16:03:09 08.01.2025 16:45:36 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2663.42000 2671.62000 2662.62000 2663.42000 80.0 0.80 42m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:05:30 08.01.2025 16:44:16 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.87000 2672.07000 2664.07000 2664.87000 80.0 0.80 38m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:30:55 08.01.2025 16:44:16 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.87000 2672.07000 2664.07000 2664.87000 80.0 0.80 13m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:03:47 08.01.2025 16:44:16 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.87000 2672.07000 2664.07000 2664.87000 80.0 0.80 40m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:30:55 08.01.2025 16:44:16 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.82000 2673.02000 2664.02000 2664.82000 80.0 0.80 13m +0.08%
08.01.2025 16:03:47 08.01.2025 16:44:16 XAUUSD Acquistare 0.01 2664.82000 2673.02000 2664.02000 2664.82000 80.0 0.80 40m +0.08%
Pagina di 44
Pagina di 2
Nessun ordine aperto.
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