Cradle by SecureFX Segnali

Grado #199 , Reale , AUD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

Cradle by SecureFX Segnali

Grado #199 , Reale , AUD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $35.00/Month

SecureFX Trader

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Custom bots scanning for strong reversal movements on AUDCAD, NZDCAD and AUDNZD. 4 Bots used to pick these movements and trade independent to each other. Strategy began from 16 May 2022. Minimum investment is $15,000 AUD.

The target is 20% to 25% return which is a strong return whilst controlling risks.

Below is a list of our other signals on Signal Start.

Standard Risk
Cradle by SecureFX Trader
Black Mountain by SecureFX Trader
Flinders by SecureFX Trader
Ossa by SecureFX Trader
Uluru by SecureFX Trader
Kosciuszko by SecureFX Trader

Higher Risk
Kosciuszko HR by SecureFX Trader
Cradle HR SecureFX Trader
Flinders HR SecureFX Trader
Uluru HR SecureFX Trader
Ossa HR SecureFX Trader
Black Mt HR SecureFX Trader
Litchfield HR SecureFX Trader

Grafico dei guadagni

1 Pochi secondi fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: A$19483.90
  • Capitale netto: (100.00%) A$19,484.44
  • P.P. oscillanti: A$0.54
  • Depositi: A$104059.00
  • Prelievi: A$103,358.34
  • Negoziazioni: 3,774
  • Punti: 30,808.4
  • Vinto: 71%
  • Media: 1d
  • Lotti : 154.49
  • Fattore di utili: 2.91
  • Giornaliero: 0.06%
  • Mensile: 1.83%
  • Operazioni al mese 111
  • Aspettativa: 8.2 Punti / A$4.97
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +3
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
11.03.2025 02:00:01 11.03.2025 17:01:36 NZDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.77146 0.82405 0.82146 0.82396 25.0 2.67 15h 1m +0.01%
11.03.2025 02:00:02 11.03.2025 17:01:36 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.85577 0.90836 0.90577 0.90832 25.5 2.72 15h 1m +0.01%
11.03.2025 05:00:02 11.03.2025 12:05:00 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.85500 - 0.90500 0.90751 25.1 2.68 7h 4m +0.01%
11.03.2025 02:00:02 11.03.2025 12:05:00 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.85572 - 0.90577 0.90749 17.2 1.81 10h 4m +0.01%
10.03.2025 21:57:32 11.03.2025 12:05:00 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.85678 - 0.90677 0.90749 7.2 0.71 14h 7m +0.00%
10.03.2025 15:00:08 10.03.2025 21:58:37 AUDCAD Vendere 0.01 - 0.90665 0.91035 0.90664 37.1 4.00 6h 58m +0.02%
10.03.2025 16:00:01 10.03.2025 19:58:16 NZDCAD Vendere 0.01 - 0.82541 0.82721 0.82542 17.9 1.88 3h 58m +0.01%
10.03.2025 02:00:01 10.03.2025 12:38:50 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.85585 0.90844 0.90585 0.90844 25.9 2.76 10h 38m +0.01%
07.03.2025 20:39:41 10.03.2025 12:00:00 AUDNZD Vendere 0.01 1.15482 - 1.10483 1.10216 26.7 2.30 2d +0.01%
10.03.2025 02:00:00 10.03.2025 11:15:21 NZDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.77071 0.82330 0.82071 0.82328 25.7 2.74 9h 15m +0.01%
Pagina di 381
Nessun ordine aperto.
Pagina di 1
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257 Black Mt HR SecureFX Trader 67.94% 7362.3 24.8% 1265 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $65.00 2A 29g Apr 12, 2023
267 Kosciuszko SecureFX Trader 77.94% 36167.3 15.8% 4545 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $35.00 2A 4m Gen 5, 2023
281 Kosciuszko HR SecureFXTrader 135.73% 29918.4 20.2% 3933 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $65.00 2A 1m Mar 29, 2023
289 Litchfield HR SecureFXTrader 94.03% 13791.3 36.4% 1731 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $65.00 1A 8m Ott 5, 2023
312 LitchfieldVHR SecureFXTrader 18.44% 2213.9 32.7% 613 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $65.00 6m 10g Ott 3, 2024
470 Flinders by SecureFX Trader 63.34% 39120.7 68.8% 2588 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $35.00 2A 5m Gen 6, 2023
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500 Ossa by SecureFX Trader 48.25% 17476.5 59.8% 5063 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $35.00 2A 5m Gen 5, 2023
526 Uluru by SecureFX Trader 69.51% 18771.7 78.3% 4994 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $35.00 2A 4m Gen 5, 2023
544 Uluru HR SecureFX Trader 122.54% 18099.1 97.8% 3901 Reale Caricamento... Caricamento... $65.00 2A 1m Apr 10, 2023