Gold Robot Segnali

Grado #17 , Reale , EUR , Admiral Markets , 1:30 ,MetaTrader 5, $45.00/Month

Gold Robot Segnali

Grado #17 , Reale , EUR , Admiral Markets , 1:30 ,MetaTrader 5, $45.00/Month

Hello, here is a signal where gold is traded automatically with an EA. It may happen that open positions that are profitable are closed manually on Friday evening so that no swap costs are generated.
Please familiarize yourself with the risks of trading before subscribing.
From January 1, 2025, the price will increase to $45.

Grafico dei guadagni

52 Pochi secondi fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: €861.97
  • Capitale netto: (89.23%) €769.16
  • P.P. oscillanti: -€92.81
  • Depositi: €617.16
  • Prelievi: €0
  • Negoziazioni: 93
  • Punti: 27,365.1
  • Vinto: 94%
  • Media: 6h 10m
  • Lotti : 0.95
  • Fattore di utili: 69.99
  • Giornaliero: 0.59%
  • Mensile: 19.07%
  • Operazioni al mese 47
  • Aspettativa: 294.2 Punti / €2.63
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +2
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
17.01.2025 16:32:28 17.01.2025 22:01:53 XAUUSD-Z Vendere 0.01 - - 2702.77000 2701.14000 163.0 1.53 5h 29m +0.18%
17.01.2025 16:32:28 17.01.2025 22:01:40 XAUUSD-Z Vendere 0.01 - - 2702.77000 2702.50000 27.0 0.20 5h 29m +0.02%
17.01.2025 16:32:28 17.01.2025 22:01:30 XAUUSD-Z Vendere 0.01 - - 2702.77000 2702.55000 22.0 0.15 5h 29m +0.02%
17.01.2025 16:32:28 17.01.2025 22:01:20 XAUUSD-Z Vendere 0.01 - - 2702.77000 2702.79000 -2.0 -0.08 5h 28m -0.01%
16.01.2025 15:30:00 16.01.2025 15:44:19 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2714.48000 - 2711.48000 2714.38200 290.2 2.76 14m +0.32%
15.01.2025 15:30:02 15.01.2025 15:32:58 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2692.35000 - 2689.35000 2692.30600 295.6 2.80 2m +0.33%
15.01.2025 15:30:02 15.01.2025 15:32:58 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2692.35000 - 2689.35000 2692.30600 295.6 2.80 2m +0.33%
15.01.2025 15:30:02 15.01.2025 15:32:58 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2692.35000 - 2689.35000 2692.30600 295.6 2.80 2m +0.33%
15.01.2025 15:30:02 15.01.2025 15:32:58 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2692.35000 - 2689.35000 2692.30600 295.6 2.80 2m +0.33%
14.01.2025 15:31:26 15.01.2025 01:01:08 XAUUSD-Z Acquistare 0.01 2677.58700 - 2674.58700 2677.52000 293.3 1.95 9h 29m +0.23%
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