Night trade only ICM ECN Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

Night trade only ICM ECN Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

Single trade always have SL and virtual TP.

Only profitable on any ECN (or RAW) trading account.

Welcome to......
No Grid, No Martingale, No Averaging, No Dangerous Gambling strategies.
In this signal i trade through EAs on IC Markets RAW account, my goal is to reach 10% to 30% growth every month, please don't be surprised if trading is not going on it's basically not the right time to trade probably.
Raw and ECN Accounts are recommended.

Your account size should be 50 USD at least.

Thank You,
Hoang Chau FX Group

Grafico dei guadagni

11 Poche ore fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Capitale netto: (0%) $0
  • P.P. oscillanti: $0.00
  • Depositi: $1445.62
  • Prelievi: $1,471.24
  • Negoziazioni: 240
  • Punti: 476.1
  • Vinto: 63%
  • Media: 6h 55m
  • Lotti : 10.37
  • Fattore di utili: 1.07
  • Giornaliero: 0.09%
  • Mensile: 2.84%
  • Operazioni al mese 16
  • Aspettativa: 2 Punti / $0.11
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +3
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
28.11.2024 04:10:58 - - Prelievo - - - -80.20 - -
28.11.2024 03:11:18 - - Deposito - - - 0.21 - -
28.11.2024 03:11:01 - - Deposito - - - 0.59 - -
28.11.2024 03:10:51 - - Deposito - - - 1.93 - -
28.11.2024 03:10:34 - - Deposito - - - 2.02 - -
27.11.2024 03:52:58 27.11.2024 15:36:45 GBPCAD Vendere 0.05 1.77636 - 1.76836 1.77637 -80.1 -28.85 11h 43m -27.66%
27.11.2024 01:01:52 27.11.2024 05:07:01 EURSGD Vendere 0.04 1.41969 - 1.41269 1.41192 7.7 2.00 4h 5m +1.96%
26.11.2024 22:59:17 27.11.2024 02:59:19 GBPCAD Vendere 0.05 1.77439 - 1.76638 1.76657 -1.9 -1.21 4h 0m -1.17%
26.11.2024 02:07:38 26.11.2024 04:27:37 GBPCAD Vendere 0.05 1.77691 - 1.76893 1.76931 -3.8 -1.70 2h 19m -1.62%
26.11.2024 01:43:13 26.11.2024 04:07:23 EURSGD Acquistare 0.05 1.40451 - 1.41154 1.41145 -0.9 -0.68 2h 24m -0.64%
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