Ophiuchus Multicurrency Segnali

Grado #461 , Reale , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $65.00/Month

Ophiuchus Multicurrency Segnali

Grado #461 , Reale , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $65.00/Month

This is a trading signal based on our EA - Ophiuchus. It is fully automated trading and has no manual trading. This trading signal is using the same EA as our Ophiuchus Trading Signal, but with additional AUDCAD trading. It will take a slightly higher risk but thus will generate higher profit compared with single Ophiuchus Trading on EURUSD only.

Ophiuchus is the 13th zodiac and it is also the name for this EA as 13 is the key element for this trading strategy.

Grafico dei guadagni

1 minuto fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: $2097.89
  • Capitale netto: (98.58%) $2,068.04
  • P.P. oscillanti: -$29.85
  • Depositi: $14775.63
  • Prelievi: $19,395
  • Negoziazioni: 12,110
  • Punti: -10,421.7
  • Vinto: 71%
  • Media: 10h 2m
  • Lotti : 220.32
  • Fattore di utili: 1.69
  • Giornaliero: 0.33%
  • Mensile: 10.33%
  • Operazioni al mese 418
  • Aspettativa: -0.9 Punti / $0.65
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +2
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
18.02.2025 06:17:01 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.05 - 1.04585 1.04642 1.04585 -5.7 -2.85 2d -0.14%
18.02.2025 03:50:00 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.04 - 1.04585 1.04672 1.04585 -8.7 -3.48 2d -0.17%
17.02.2025 03:40:00 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.01 - 1.04585 1.05045 1.04585 -46.0 -4.60 3d -0.22%
17.02.2025 05:43:04 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.01 - 1.04585 1.04978 1.04585 -39.3 -3.93 3d -0.19%
20.02.2025 10:57:03 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.15 - 1.04585 1.04351 1.04585 23.4 35.10 5h 38m +1.70%
17.02.2025 10:14:00 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.02 - 1.04585 1.04826 1.04585 -24.1 -4.82 3d -0.24%
17.02.2025 10:42:00 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.03 - 1.04585 1.04770 1.04585 -18.5 -5.55 3d -0.27%
17.02.2025 06:17:01 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.02 - 1.04585 1.04942 1.04585 -35.7 -7.14 3d -0.35%
17.02.2025 04:59:01 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.01 - 1.04585 1.05020 1.04585 -43.5 -4.35 3d -0.21%
17.02.2025 07:55:00 20.02.2025 16:35:12 EURUSD Acquistare 0.02 - 1.04585 1.04897 1.04585 -31.2 -6.24 3d -0.31%
Pagina di 1228
Nessun ordine aperto.
Pagina di 1
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