The profit is ongoing Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , EUC , EXNESS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

The profit is ongoing Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , EUC , EXNESS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

We, the investment company "The profit is ongoing," are a forex trading company that consistently achieves daily profits through strategic trading. With a focus on the foreign exchange market, our company utilizes advanced trading strategies and experienced experts to capitalize on market fluctuations. We take pride in our proven track record of sustainable profitability, making us a reliable choice for investors seeking consistent returns. Our commitment to transparency and risk management ensures a secure and rewarding investment experience. Join us in exploring the dynamic world of forex and be a dedicated partner in achieving daily success.

Grafico dei guadagni

Jul 19 alle 05:02
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: EUC14632.66
  • Capitale netto: (94.34%) EUC13,804.97
  • P.P. oscillanti: -EUC827.69
  • Depositi: EUC11820.88
  • Prelievi: EUC0
  • Negoziazioni: 2,538
  • Punti: -1,695.3
  • Vinto: 63%
  • Media: 13h 2m
  • Lotti : 258.85
  • Fattore di utili: 1.22
  • Giornaliero: 0.06%
  • Mensile: 1.92%
  • Operazioni al mese 195
  • Aspettativa: -0.7 Punti / EUC1.11
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +0
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
17.07.2024 07:15:02 17.07.2024 08:30:55 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.09049 1.09154 10.5 4.81 1h 15m +0.03%
17.07.2024 06:05:02 17.07.2024 06:32:05 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.09023 1.09047 2.4 1.10 27m +0.01%
17.07.2024 00:45:02 17.07.2024 02:15:05 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.09001 1.09013 1.2 0.55 1h 30m +0.00%
17.07.2024 00:00:07 17.07.2024 01:26:11 AUDCADC Acquistare 0.05 - - 0.92040 0.92119 7.9 2.65 1h 26m +0.02%
10.07.2024 19:00:01 16.07.2024 19:08:15 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.02 - - 1.08253 1.08955 70.2 12.89 6d +0.09%
16.07.2024 13:45:02 16.07.2024 15:38:09 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.08804 1.08833 2.9 1.33 1h 53m +0.01%
16.07.2024 14:41:58 16.07.2024 15:38:09 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.08758 1.08833 7.5 3.45 56m +0.02%
16.07.2024 13:11:02 16.07.2024 13:25:35 EURUSDC Acquistare 0.05 - - 1.08733 1.08763 3.0 1.38 14m +0.01%
03.07.2024 18:30:03 16.07.2024 12:52:46 EURUSDC Vendere 0.05 - - 1.07783 1.08774 -99.1 -45.56 12d -0.31%
04.07.2024 00:00:49 16.07.2024 12:52:45 EURUSDC Vendere 0.05 - - 1.07925 1.08774 -84.9 -39.03 12d -0.27%
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