SecureProfitsFX Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , EUR , AAAFx , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

SecureProfitsFX Segnali

Grado In attesa , Reale , EUR , AAAFx , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

Our strategy is based on technical analysis with the use of different indicators in synergy with each other. The primary objective is capital preservation. The optimal balance between risk and profit is our priority.

Grafico dei guadagni

8 Poche ore fa
Statistiche avanzate
  • Saldo: €0.00
  • Capitale netto: (0%) €0
  • P.P. oscillanti: €0.00
  • Depositi: €12774.63
  • Prelievi: €8,552.79
  • Negoziazioni: 706
  • Punti: -15,032.3
  • Vinto: 70%
  • Media: 6d
  • Lotti : 44.63
  • Fattore di utili: 0.49
  • Giornaliero: -0.79%
  • Mensile: -21.24%
  • Operazioni al mese 54
  • Aspettativa: -21.3 Punti / -€5.98
Mensile Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Attività Timezone: GMT +0
Data di apertura Data di chiusura Simbolo Azione Lotti SL TP Aperto Chiuso Punti Utili Durata Guadagno
03.09.2024 13:21:57 - - Prelievo - - - -186.29 - -
12.07.2024 19:34:06 02.09.2024 12:43:51 GBPCAD Vendere 0.10 - 1.70750 1.77011 1.77298 -28.7 -41.95 51d -18.38%
15.08.2024 01:45:02 15.08.2024 05:37:57 AUDNZD Vendere 0.01 1.20311 1.10198 1.10304 1.10198 10.6 0.56 3h 52m +0.25%
14.08.2024 14:00:02 15.08.2024 01:30:53 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.80672 0.90540 0.90674 0.90540 -13.4 -0.94 11h 30m -0.41%
15.08.2024 01:30:03 15.08.2024 01:30:53 AUDCAD Acquistare 0.01 0.80672 0.90540 0.90256 0.90540 28.4 1.86 50s +0.82%
14.08.2024 23:35:57 15.08.2024 01:24:03 AUDCAD Acquistare 4.50 - 0.90760 0.90473 0.90189 -28.4 -854.28 1h 48m -79.02%
14.08.2024 03:15:02 14.08.2024 13:57:52 AUDNZD Vendere 0.01 1.20084 1.09971 1.10064 1.09971 9.3 0.49 10h 42m +0.05%
08.08.2024 02:45:02 14.08.2024 13:55:16 AUDCAD Vendere 0.01 0.99953 0.90702 0.89950 0.90702 -75.2 -5.03 6d -0.47%
12.08.2024 14:45:02 14.08.2024 13:55:16 AUDCAD Vendere 0.03 0.99953 0.90702 0.90668 0.90702 -3.4 -0.77 1d -0.07%
08.08.2024 14:30:01 14.08.2024 13:55:16 AUDCAD Vendere 0.01 0.99953 0.90702 0.90385 0.90702 -31.7 -2.16 5d -0.20%
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