P2PMH4 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

P2PMH4 신호

순위 대기 중 , 실제 거래 , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $50.00/Month

++++August 1, 2018++++
Signal P2PMH4 has been relocated at http://www.signalstart.com/analysis/gbp2pmh4/35629 with new name GBP2PMH4. Let's start a new journey!
Happy trading & Peace!

++++July 10, 2018++++
New Signal will go live on August 10, 2018. Happy trading & Peace!

++++June 29, 2018++++

Dear followers,

In reaction to the government's Forex newest regulation, we'll change our broker in July. It might take a week or so for us to resume providing signals. We're sorry for your inconvenience. To make up for that, we've decided to provide our signals for FREE for the 1st month of our re-launching, and the monthly fee after that will remain $50/month. We did our very best to manage ending all open trades in an appropriate time today to avoid loss for our followers. We'll announce the re-launch date later next week. Please keep following us and enjoy the free signals for the 1st month. Happy trading & Peace!

++++Mar. 1, 2018++++
Suggestion of Trading Account Size:

Leverage: 1:500
The Basic unit=$5,000, initial trade=0.01;
if the Account=$10,000, initial trade=0.02;
if the account=$15,000, initial trade=0.03;

Leverage: 1:200
The Basic unit=$15,000, initial trade=0.01;
if the Account=$30,000, initial trade=0.02;
if the account=$45,000, initial trade=0.03;

이익 차트

Nov 24 2018 에 08:41
고급 통계
  • 잔고: $0.00
  • 순자산: (0%) $0
  • 유동 손익(PL): $0.00
  • 예치금: $5041.32
  • 인출금: $7,605.66
  • 거래 횟수: 2,840
  • 핍수: -1,260.9
  • 승률: 88%
  • 평균 거래 시간: 9h 38m
  • 랏수 : 65.45
  • 이익 계수: 1.34
  • 일간: 0.02%
  • 월간: 0.52%
  • 월 거래횟수 27
  • 기대수익률: -0.4 핍수 / $0.9
월간 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
활동 Timezone: GMT +2
개시 날짜 종료 날짜 심벌 투자행동 랏수 손절(SL) 익절(TP) 시가 종료 핍수 이익 보유 기간 이익
04.07.2018 00:24:04 - - 인출 - - - -5240.66 - -
29.06.2018 23:26:34 29.06.2018 23:26:48 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16905 1.16886 -1.9 -0.26 14s +0.00%
29.06.2018 11:02:05 29.06.2018 23:26:33 EURUSD 매도 0.04 - - 1.16182 1.16902 -72.0 -29.08 12h 24m -0.55%
29.06.2018 07:22:55 29.06.2018 23:26:33 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16660 1.16902 24.2 2.35 16h 3m +0.04%
29.06.2018 17:53:51 29.06.2018 23:26:31 EURUSD 매수 0.16 - - 1.16684 1.16898 21.4 33.12 5h 32m +0.63%
29.06.2018 07:22:14 29.06.2018 07:22:55 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16568 1.16662 9.4 0.87 41s +0.02%
29.06.2018 05:59:21 29.06.2018 07:22:13 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16438 1.16563 12.5 1.18 1h 22m +0.02%
29.06.2018 05:39:20 29.06.2018 05:59:20 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16352 1.16446 9.4 0.87 20m +0.02%
29.06.2018 05:39:13 29.06.2018 05:39:19 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16269 1.16352 8.3 0.76 6s +0.01%
29.06.2018 05:36:53 29.06.2018 05:39:13 EURUSD 매수 0.01 - - 1.16136 1.16249 11.3 1.06 2m +0.02%
페이지 285
미체결 주문이 없음.
미결제 거래 없음.
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