순위 대기 중
실제 거래 , USD
ACM FX , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4,
시스템은 선입선출 방식(FIFO)을 준수합니다.,
Sakura FX trades use (1:5) leverage settings for own account trades, with suggested risk of around (0.5 %) per trade per day. Since trading foreign exchange on leverage carries high level of risk, setting higher leverage and risk values through the software settings may work out against or with you.
Trading methodology practiced by Sakura FX, brought to you through the Sakura FX Trade Plugin Software will not have more than three trades per business day, and for some days of public or market holidays, trades might not be filled. In addition, on average, the software targets 25 pips per trade (preset TP) with no more than 15 pips per trade (preset SL), however, instant, market, or pending orders execution methodology and prices diverse from a broker to another, especially in hectic market conditions when slippage applies.
For any more information or questions go to our website and contact us on our live chat on our website: www.sakura-fxtrading.com