0msTrade GoldenGoose TopRobo Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , RoboForex , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $31.00/Month

0msTrade GoldenGoose TopRobo Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , RoboForex , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $31.00/Month

No Grid, No Martingale! The financial industry is full of financial sharks and we, the 0ms.trade team, have made it our mission to show how you can protect yourself from this dangerous species. By betting on the right horse and knowing how to recognize it.

Gráfico de ganhos

21 Horas atrás
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Capital: (0%) $0
  • P/G variáveis: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $327.48
  • Retiradas: $277.6
  • Negociações: 1,012
  • Pips: 333.2
  • Ganho: 75%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 7h 31m
  • Lotes : 31.1
  • Fator de lucro: 0.96
  • Diariamente: 0.05%
  • Mensalmente: 1.47%
  • Negociações por mês 18
  • Expectativa: 0.3 Pips / -$0.05
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +2
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
20.05.2024 02:54:27 - - Retirada - - - -180.76 - -
17.05.2024 21:58:12 20.05.2024 01:33:50 GBPAUD Comprar 0.01 1.88558 1.90658 1.89758 1.89760 0.2 -0.03 2d -0.02%
17.05.2024 22:23:44 20.05.2024 00:55:55 EURAUD Comprar 0.02 1.61443 1.63243 1.62344 1.62383 3.9 0.38 2d +0.21%
16.05.2024 22:15:12 17.05.2024 03:15:29 EURAUD Comprar 0.02 1.61753 1.63553 1.62653 1.62722 6.9 0.78 5h 0m +0.43%
16.05.2024 22:15:14 16.05.2024 23:09:39 GBPAUD Comprar 0.01 1.88439 1.90539 1.89639 1.89759 12.0 0.77 54m +0.43%
15.05.2024 23:15:01 16.05.2024 10:58:10 EURCAD Vender 0.01 1.49293 1.46293 1.48093 1.48086 0.7 0.02 11h 43m +0.01%
13.05.2024 01:05:50 13.05.2024 01:30:55 GBPNZD Vender 0.01 2.08809 2.07009 2.08209 2.08073 13.6 0.79 25m +0.44%
10.05.2024 22:29:06 10.05.2024 23:21:01 GBPAUD Comprar 0.01 1.88390 1.90490 1.89586 1.89661 7.5 0.47 51m +0.26%
09.05.2024 22:00:23 10.05.2024 02:30:26 GBPAUD Comprar 0.01 1.88014 1.90114 1.89214 1.89217 0.3 -0.02 4h 30m -0.01%
07.05.2024 22:28:53 08.05.2024 01:47:09 GBPAUD Comprar 0.01 1.88416 1.90516 1.89616 1.89651 3.5 0.19 3h 18m +0.11%
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Sem negociações em aberto.
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