Copy Vic Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , Plexytrade , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

Copy Vic Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , Plexytrade , 1:300 ,MetaTrader 4, $75.00/Month

MUST READ! (updated 1/23/2025)

Your account balance must be $1500 minimum, but preferably $3000 is safest

The leverage must be anywhere from 1:100 - 1:300

You can increase your risk multiplier by 1 for every additional $3000. So, if your account balance is $9000, your risk multiplier should be 3.

Increase your risk gradually, test it out, and protect your capital.

Compare your account performance and risk against mine often

You should NEVER have more DrawDown than me, don't over-expose yourself

I use a very mild / safe hedging strategy.

I also use an equity protector

Do Not use my copier for any Prop Firms. You will fail, this copier doesn't follow prop firm trading parameters / rules.

Do not touch any of your live trades, trust the process

Drawdown is normal, be patient, don't worry

No VPS needed, this is a simple plug & play, hands-free service

Losses are normal in forex, don't worry, I recover and finish every month in profit

Login regularly as your account grows to optimize profits by adjusting the risk, money makes money!

Gráfico de ganhos

há 1 minuto
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: $1000.00
  • Capital: (100.00%) $1,000
  • P/G variáveis: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $15952.78
  • Retiradas: $14,892.33
  • Negociações: 3,550
  • Pips: 1,211.9
  • Ganho: 70%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 4h 38m
  • Lotes : 102.37
  • Fator de lucro: 0.99
  • Diariamente: 0.47%
  • Mensalmente: 15.21%
  • Negociações por mês 222
  • Expectativa: 0.3 Pips / -$0.02
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +2
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
07.03.2025 16:14:51 - - Retirada - - - -6427.97 - -
05.03.2025 16:30:00 07.03.2025 15:15:21 EURUSD Vender 0.19 - - 1.07512 1.08555 -104.3 -198.93 1d -2.61%
07.03.2025 15:15:15 07.03.2025 15:15:19 EURUSD Vender 0.02 - - 1.08555 1.08551 0.4 0.00 4s +0.00%
05.03.2025 16:34:01 07.03.2025 15:15:14 EURUSD Vender 0.20 - - 1.07594 1.08560 -96.6 -194.00 1d -2.48%
07.03.2025 15:15:09 07.03.2025 15:15:12 EURUSD Vender 0.04 - - 1.08552 1.08561 -0.9 -0.52 3s -0.01%
05.03.2025 16:41:00 07.03.2025 15:15:09 EURUSD Vender 0.21 - - 1.07686 1.08555 -86.9 -183.33 1d -2.29%
07.03.2025 15:14:39 07.03.2025 15:15:07 EURUSD Vender 0.13 - - 1.08561 1.08556 0.5 0.13 28s +0.00%
05.03.2025 18:10:00 07.03.2025 15:15:01 EURUSD Vender 0.23 - - 1.07844 1.08546 -70.2 -162.38 1d -1.99%
06.03.2025 17:04:13 07.03.2025 15:14:59 EURUSD Vender 0.31 - - 1.08488 1.08550 -6.2 -20.46 22h 10m -0.25%
05.03.2025 22:42:01 07.03.2025 15:14:55 EURUSD Vender 0.25 - - 1.07956 1.08558 -60.2 -151.50 1d -1.82%
Página de 365
Sem ordens em aberto.
Sem negociações em aberto.
Other signals by this trader
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- CopyVic AI EA Hedge -74.71% -1056.1 96.1% 2094 Real A carregar... A carregar... $75.00 8m 16d Nov. 5, 2024