Haswell Capitals Short Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $30.00/Month

Haswell Capitals Short Sinais

Classificação Pendente , Real , USD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $30.00/Month

This is a more conservative signal in comparison to "Haswell Capitals" that we originally posted on Signal Start. This trades more often at a conservative risk. Equity Drawdowns are a lot lower at < 55% according to our years of backtesting and forward testing while maintaining solid profitability.

We are updated on every major news event and are responsible for mitigating risks by doing necessary interventions with our advisors.


PRO-RATA (recommended): use this if your account is having more than or equal to 1:500 leverage AND having a balance that is at least $1000.
FIXED LOTS (not recommended)
Using MULTIPLIER is not recommended.

Good luck!

-Haswell Capitals

Gráfico de ganhos

Mar 18 2024 a 20:34
Estatísticas avançadas
  • Saldo: $0.00
  • Capital: (0%) $0
  • P/G variáveis: $0.00
  • Depósitos: $5655.00
  • Retiradas: $8,121.34
  • Negociações: 1,065
  • Pips: 2,628.7
  • Ganho: 74%
  • Tempo Méd. de negociação: 19h 36m
  • Lotes : 79.28
  • Fator de lucro: 1.54
  • Diariamente: 0.10%
  • Mensalmente: 3.07%
  • Negociações por mês 29
  • Expectativa: 2.5 Pips / $2.32
Mensalmente Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Atividade Timezone: GMT +2
Data de abertura Data de encerramento Símbolo Ação Lotes SL TP Abrir Fechar Pips Lucro Duração Ganho
16.06.2023 11:49:02 - - Retirada - - - -2170.34 - -
08.06.2023 10:57:25 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.72 - - 1.10046 1.10223 -17.7 -82.29 3h 41m -3.54%
06.06.2023 07:45:01 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.24 - - 1.09502 1.10223 -72.1 -105.42 2d -4.16%
07.06.2023 06:30:04 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.48 - - 1.09861 1.10223 -36.2 -106.95 1d -4.40%
01.06.2023 04:15:00 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.06 - - 1.08131 1.10223 -209.2 -76.01 7d +0.00%
02.06.2023 03:30:01 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.06 - - 1.08531 1.10223 -169.2 -61.53 6d -2.28%
02.06.2023 17:00:01 08.06.2023 14:39:01 AUDNZD Vender 0.12 - - 1.08891 1.10223 -133.2 -96.86 5d -3.68%
08.06.2023 05:50:33 08.06.2023 08:35:15 AUDNZD Vender 0.72 - - 1.10196 1.10157 3.9 11.96 2h 44m +0.45%
06.06.2023 17:37:47 07.06.2023 04:33:57 AUDNZD Comprar 0.48 - - 1.09830 1.09770 -6.0 -21.87 10h 56m -0.81%
06.06.2023 16:45:00 06.06.2023 17:35:38 AUDNZD Vender 0.48 - - 1.09887 1.09820 6.7 16.13 50m +0.60%
Página de 108
Sem ordens em aberto.
Sem negociações em aberto.
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