Trade Professor 7 Sinyaller

Sıra #435 , Gerçek , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Trade Professor 7 Sinyaller

Sıra #435 , Gerçek , USD , RoboForex , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

In my trading, I use an advisor based on a proprietary indicator and a countertrend strategy. The minimum recommended deposit is $2000-4000. I recommend using one account with one advisor. I do not recommend using my strategy on the same account with other advisors. Trading is carried out on several pairs for diversification and greater profit. The entire margin may be involved in the work. Each transaction is supported separately; there can be several of them on one pair and several currency pairs at the same time. There may not be any deals for some time (1-2 weeks), it all depends on the market. There is no stop loss in the trading system, but the system uses a smart martingale. To do this, it is important to observe money management so that there is enough margin on the account!!! My trading system has been working for more than 3,5 years and brings good profits! Happy trading with me!

Kazanç Grafiği

10 Saatler önce
Gelişmiş İstatistikler
  • Bakiye: $3416.49
  • Özkaynak: (73.37%) $2,506.72
  • Yüzer PL: -$909.77
  • Depozitolar: $2187.92
  • Çekim işlemleri: $12,598.05
  • İşlemler: 4,659
  • Pip'ler: 57,472.7
  • Kazanılan: 73%
  • Ort. İşlem Zamanı: 4d
  • Lotlar : 99.38
  • Kâr Faktörü: 3.19
  • Günlük: 0.18%
  • Aylık: 5.64%
  • Aylık İşlem 106
  • Beklenti: 12.3 Pip'ler / $2.97
Aylık Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
Etkinlik Timezone: GMT +2
Açık Tarih Kapanış tarihi Sembol Aksiyon Lotlar SL TP Kapat Pip'ler Kâr Süre Kazanç
14.03.2025 18:55:33 14.03.2025 18:56:12 EURCAD Sat 0.01 - 1.56394 1.56438 1.56421 1.7 0.08 39s +0.00%
05.03.2025 22:15:09 10.03.2025 20:26:05 GBPUSD Sat 0.02 - 1.28640 1.28984 1.28637 34.7 6.58 4d +0.19%
05.03.2025 09:45:08 10.03.2025 20:26:05 GBPUSD Sat 0.01 - 1.28640 1.28131 1.28637 -50.6 -5.25 5d -0.15%
06.03.2025 03:45:07 06.03.2025 20:44:58 EURUSD Sat 0.02 - 1.07662 1.08152 1.07662 49.0 9.71 16h 59m +0.29%
05.03.2025 10:15:07 06.03.2025 20:44:58 EURUSD Sat 0.01 - 1.07662 1.06829 1.07662 -83.3 -8.33 1d -0.24%
05.03.2025 16:00:06 06.03.2025 20:42:28 EURGBP Sat 0.02 - 0.83634 0.83578 0.83634 -5.6 -1.56 1d -0.05%
06.03.2025 17:30:13 06.03.2025 20:42:28 EURGBP Sat 0.04 - 0.83634 0.84020 0.83634 38.6 19.72 3h 12m +0.58%
05.03.2025 10:00:07 06.03.2025 20:42:28 EURGBP Sat 0.01 - 0.83634 0.83244 0.83634 -39.0 -5.09 1d -0.15%
06.03.2025 15:15:33 06.03.2025 17:45:30 AUDCAD Sat 0.01 - 0.90459 0.91056 0.90547 50.9 3.54 2h 29m +0.10%
05.03.2025 17:00:06 06.03.2025 17:43:05 AUDCAD Sat 0.01 - 0.90569 0.90693 0.90569 12.4 0.75 1d +0.02%
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