BitcoinBuyAddEA Signals |
BitcoinBuyAddEA Signals |
BitcoinBuyAddEA Signals |
BitcoinBuyAddEA Signals |
"BitcoinBuyAddEA" is an excellent signal that automatically trade virtual currency bit coins.
As a feature of the signal, "Buy when you fell more than 5% in one day, settlement when you rise by 80%".
To put it briefly, it will be a bit coin purchase increment program.
Bring you the benefits of bit coins!
Ngày mở | Ngày đóng | Biểu tượng | Hành động | Các lô | SL | TP | Mở | Đóng | Pips | Lợi nhuận | Thời gian | Lợi |
-531.6 |
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- |
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-470676.0 |
-467003.0 |
-540505.0 |
158614.0 |
160910.0 |