Growing Project on EURUSD Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $60.00/Month

Growing Project on EURUSD Signals

Thứ hạng Chờ giải quyết , Thực tế , USD , FBS , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $60.00/Month

This project is a full automatic trend follower martingale trading system on EURUSD. Master account balance is $52500 and start with 0.42 lot. So if you have less balance, you can use proportional lot size eg 0.04 lot for $5250 balance or 0.01 lot for $1250 balance. Every week the profit will be withdraw to keep the balance at $52500.

- Minimum balance to trade is $1250 with leverage 1:500 and starting lot 0.01 where last recorded maximum drawdown is 50-60%
- If you prefer lower drawdown, you can start witk $3000 - $5000 balance for starting lot 0.01
- It will place an order when there is a correction to the direction of the market trend
- It will add additional position on floating negative condition, only when new hourly candle formed, just to accelerate reaching the profit target.
- If the profit target did not reach yet but the market trend has changed, it will start open trade in opposite direction. And will close all both direction trades when the profit target reached.

IMPORTANT : FBS often archived the trade history, this will make the equity curve look unusual.

Sơ đồ khoản thu được

1 phút trước
Số liệu thống kê có từ trước
  • Số dư: $5605.03
  • Vốn cổ phần: (100.00%) $5,605.03
  • PL thả nổi: $0.00
  • Tiền ký quỹ: $94839.93
  • Số tiền rút: $143,061
  • Các giao dịch: 2,270
  • Pips: -1,674.6
  • Số tiền giành được: 57%
  • Trung bình Thời gian giao dịch: 13h 31m
  • Các lô : 3,513.47
  • Hệ số lợi nhuận: 1.3
  • Hàng ngày: -0.53%
  • Hàng tháng: -14.74%
  • Số lượng giao dịch mỗi tháng 54
  • Mức kỳ vọng: -0.7 Pips / $28.25
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Hoạt động Timezone: GMT +2
Ngày mở Ngày đóng Biểu tượng Hành động Các lô SL TP Mở Đóng Pips Lợi nhuận Thời gian Lợi
20.12.2024 10:00:01 23.12.2024 09:46:22 EURUSD Bán 0.01 - - 1.03827 1.04220 -39.3 -3.93 2d -0.07%
20.12.2024 11:00:02 23.12.2024 09:46:22 EURUSD Bán 0.01 - - 1.03919 1.04219 -30.0 -3.00 2d -0.05%
20.12.2024 16:00:00 23.12.2024 09:46:21 EURUSD Bán 0.02 - - 1.04065 1.04215 -15.0 -3.00 2d -0.05%
20.12.2024 20:00:01 23.12.2024 09:46:20 EURUSD Bán 0.03 - - 1.04278 1.04220 5.8 1.74 2d +0.03%
20.12.2024 21:00:01 23.12.2024 09:46:20 EURUSD Bán 0.04 - - 1.04363 1.04221 14.2 5.68 2d +0.10%
20.12.2024 22:00:01 23.12.2024 09:46:19 EURUSD Bán 0.05 - - 1.04446 1.04221 22.5 11.25 2d +0.20%
19.12.2024 10:00:03 19.12.2024 15:04:57 EURUSD Bán 0.01 - - 1.03943 1.03899 4.4 0.44 5h 4m +0.01%
19.12.2024 05:00:01 19.12.2024 15:04:57 EURUSD Bán 0.01 - - 1.03898 1.03900 -0.2 -0.02 10h 4m +0.00%
19.12.2024 11:00:01 19.12.2024 15:04:56 EURUSD Bán 0.02 - - 1.04082 1.03904 17.8 3.56 4h 4m +0.06%
19.12.2024 12:00:03 19.12.2024 15:04:55 EURUSD Bán 0.03 - - 1.04114 1.03904 21.0 6.30 3h 4m +0.11%
Trang của 233
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