welcome to my signal
This signal is based on the trading system I used on a test account for 2 years and I used it on a real account for almost 1 year.
what you need to know about signals:
martingale : no
averaging : yes (sometimes)
scalping : no
trading style : swing trade
trading strategy : trend follower
minimum investment : 1,000
leverage : 1:200 - 1:500
I don't trade every day, because my principle is better to be patient than to trade carelessly and end up losing.
I believe that in 1 month there will be 2-4 moments where the price is really clear for me to enter the market.
Thank you for subscribing to my signal.
let's profit together.
Ngày mở | Ngày đóng | Biểu tượng | Hành động | Các lô | SL | TP | Mở | Đóng | Pips | Lợi nhuận | Thời gian | Lợi |
- |
-362.4 |
-362.2 |
-363.4 |
-362.4 |
-362.3 |
-332.3 |
-363.2 |
-363.6 |
-363.5 |