Low-Risk FX
95% of the orders are expected to be just 0.01 lot size.
Do expect a little grid trading.
Trades are base on trend lines, candlestick, and indicators.
We will always have a new position at all times.
No EA or Robot trading. All trades are manually entered for better precision.
No dangerous or martingale trading method used.
Any standard or ECN account is suitable to follow us.
Ngày mở | Ngày đóng | Biểu tượng | Hành động | Các lô | SL | TP | Mở | Đóng | Pips | Lợi nhuận | Thời gian | Lợi |
- |
- |
5.7 |
-11.0 |
-9.0 |
-19.4 |
-29.0 |
-13.4 |
-285.1 |
-299.1 |