System based on the fact that most of the time the price usually moves between the upper and lower boundaries of the trading channel.
Basing on this fact, The EA places its trade during Asian Time, assuming that the price is going to return to its average value and take the profit which is defined.
The system does not use indicators, martingale or hedging, based solely on price movement and is not overloaded with numerous filters.
Ngày mở | Ngày đóng | Biểu tượng | Hành động | Các lô | SL | TP | Mở | Đóng | Pips | Lợi nhuận | Thời gian | Lợi |
- |
-3.5 |
-171.9 |
-167.3 |
-147.9 |
-83.2 |
-57.6 |
-34.0 |
-581.9 |
-554.7 |