cityfox771 信号 |
cityfox771 信号 |
cityfox771 信号 |
cityfox771 信号 |
My trading strategy is: first look at the weekly K-line chart and the daily K-line chart to determine the general direction, and then in the 4-hour K-line charts looking for opportunities, band operation.
I had a very small position, buying 0.01 lots for every $80.I don't trade very often, and I only trade when the opportunity is good.
开启日期 | 关闭日期 | 符號 | 动作 | 手 | SL | TP | 開倉 | 平倉 | 点差 | 收益 | 时长 | 增益 |
- |
3.6 |
-596.0 |
56.9 |
-49.4 |
6.4 |
-6.0 |
-63.0 |
77.4 |
-77.8 |
级别 | 名称 | 增益 | 点差 | 日 | 交易 | 类型 | 毎月 | 图表 | 价格 | 年龄 | 已添加 | 动作 |
- | kining | -6.41% | 3191.7 | 98.5% | 444 | 真实 | 载入中...... | 载入中...... | $30.00 | 4y 2m | 2月 18, 2022 |