Correlation ZPS 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , Zero Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Correlation ZPS 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , USD , Zero Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Accumulate positions and then liquidate.
Focus on the changes in EQUITY and disregard MDD and BALANCE.
It's possible not to see any returns on equity for up to two months.
In entering a position, the SL and TP values are set simultaneously.
I trade 14 currency pairs.
Start with a minimum of $800.
Withdraw 10% of Equity at a time, allowing at least a week between withdrawals.
Unlike the gain chart, the drawdown consistently remains above 25%.
When the number of copies increases by 10, the cost increases by $10 each time. The final cost is $70.


3 小时之前
  • 余额: $0.00
  • 净值: (0%) $0
  • 浮動損益: $0.00
  • 存款: $2962.15
  • 提款: $2,122.37
  • 交易: 815
  • 点差: -150
  • 勝率: 89%
  • 平均 交易时间: 7d
  • 手 : 53.61
  • 利润因子: 0.9
  • 每天: -0.12%
  • 毎月: -3.68%
  • 每月交易次数 91
  • 期望: -0.2 点差 / -$1.03
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +3
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
30.04.2024 11:40:40 - - 提款 - - - -1966.37 - -
30.04.2024 09:33:15 - - 提款 - - - -156.00 - -
30.04.2024 09:29:13 - - 存款 - - - 127.04 - -
30.04.2024 04:00:08 30.04.2024 07:40:38 USDJPY.R 买入 0.12 155.81300 157.21300 156.81200 156.78300 -2.9 -2.82 3h 40m -0.14%
26.04.2024 22:00:01 30.04.2024 07:40:35 USDCHF.R 买入 0.09 0.89177 0.91633 0.91338 0.91148 -19.0 -18.63 3d -0.92%
23.04.2024 17:00:07 30.04.2024 07:40:33 USDCHF.R 卖出 0.08 0.93177 0.90640 0.90925 0.91160 -23.5 -24.98 6d -1.22%
09.04.2024 16:00:01 30.04.2024 07:40:29 USDCHF.R 卖出 0.07 0.93177 0.89895 0.90194 0.91158 -96.4 -84.78 20d -3.99%
28.03.2024 17:00:10 30.04.2024 07:40:26 USDCHF.R 卖出 0.06 0.93177 0.89839 0.90128 0.91157 -102.9 -81.21 32d -3.68%
25.03.2024 10:00:12 30.04.2024 07:40:24 USDCHF.R 卖出 0.06 0.93177 0.89469 0.89777 0.91157 -138.0 -106.45 35d -4.60%
15.03.2024 19:00:03 30.04.2024 07:40:21 USDCHF.R 卖出 0.05 0.93177 0.88067 0.88371 0.91156 -278.5 -168.67 45d -6.79%
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