Currency Gainers 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , CNT Cent , OneRoyal , 1:1 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Currency Gainers 信号

级别 待交易 , 真实 , CNT Cent , OneRoyal , 1:1 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Currency Gainers : invites you into a realm of lucrative forex ventures. Our forte lies in astutely overseeing investor capital, skillfully traversing the ever-shifting forex terrain to attain peak profitability. Upholding transparency and strategic acumen, we equip our investors to flourish amid the fluidity of the financial realm. Embark on a voyage of fiscal expansion, with Titan Capital Holdings Group as your confided ally in attaining flourishing yields within the forex arena. Your triumph is our foremost concern.


Dec 20 在 01:22
  • 余额: CNT0.66
  • 净值: (100.00%) CNT0.66
  • 浮動損益: CNT0.00
  • 存款: CNT21602.00
  • 提款: CNT32,205
  • 交易: 3,607
  • 点差: -2,165.6
  • 勝率: 64%
  • 平均 交易时间: 14h 9m
  • 手 : 1,306.15
  • 利润因子: 1.13
  • 每天: 0.15%
  • 毎月: 4.64%
  • 每月交易次数 277
  • 期望: -0.6 点差 / CNT2.94
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +2
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
10.09.2024 13:40:04 - - 提款 - - - -32205.00 - -
05.09.2024 18:00:02 05.09.2024 23:38:04 EURUSDC 买入 0.10 - - 1.10799 1.11094 29.5 29.50 5h 38m +0.09%
04.09.2024 16:24:11 05.09.2024 23:38:01 USDCADC 买入 1.70 - - 1.35499 1.35062 -43.7 -550.04 1d -1.68%
04.09.2024 16:24:50 05.09.2024 23:37:58 USDCADC 买入 1.70 - - 1.35500 1.35063 -43.7 -550.04 1d -1.65%
04.09.2024 12:57:09 05.09.2024 23:37:55 USDCADC 买入 1.10 - - 1.35553 1.35062 -49.1 -399.89 1d -1.19%
20.08.2024 20:00:09 05.09.2024 23:37:52 USDCADC 买入 1.10 - - 1.36333 1.35062 -127.1 -1031.11 16d -2.97%
19.08.2024 21:00:05 05.09.2024 23:37:48 USDCADC 买入 0.70 - - 1.36426 1.35063 -136.3 -703.20 17d -1.99%
19.08.2024 18:00:04 05.09.2024 23:37:45 USDCADC 买入 0.70 - - 1.36460 1.35063 -139.7 -720.82 17d -2.00%
05.09.2024 19:02:30 05.09.2024 23:37:21 USDCADC 卖出 0.00 - - 1.35141 1.35141 0.0 0.00 4h 34m +0.00%
19.08.2024 14:00:04 05.09.2024 23:37:21 USDCADC 买入 0.40 - - 1.36844 1.35141 -170.3 -502.52 17d -1.37%
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