Flinders HR SecureFX Trader 信号

级别 #473 , 真实 , AUD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $65.00/Month

Flinders HR SecureFX Trader 信号

级别 #473 , 真实 , AUD , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 5, $65.00/Month

SecureFX Trader

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This signal is the higher risk signal of Flinders with an aim of returns over 40% per year.

We run two strategy setups - standard risk and higher risk strategies.

The standard and higher risk strategies operate the same. The only difference is the lot size on the level of equity. The higher risk (HR) strategies minimum equity requirement is $10,000 but opens the lot size the same as what is opened on our standard risk strategy.

The reason for setting up the higher risk strategies is we wanted to push our strategies and have a large target to achieve. This target is generating an average return of 40% each year for 10 years. The outcome is to grow the $10,000 to $1 million in 10 years. This means all returns stay in the strategy and keep compounding to achieve the outcome.

To achieve this, the HR strategies will have larger draw downs and carry 3 times the risk of the standard risk strategies. If the draw down reaches 30% bots are stopped from opening more positions to give time for the trades to turn itself around or look to take manual control.

This signal is setup for minimum investment of $10,000.

Below is a list of our other signals on Signal Start.

Standard Risk
Cradle by SecureFX Trader
Black Mountain by SecureFX Trader
Flinders by SecureFX Trader
Ossa by SecureFX Trader
Uluru by SecureFX Trader
Kosciuszko by SecureFX Trader

Higher Risk
Kosciuszko HR by SecureFX Trader
Cradle HR SecureFX Trader
Flinders HR SecureFX Trader
Uluru HR SecureFX Trader
Ossa HR SecureFX Trader
Black Mt HR SecureFX Trader
Litchfield HR SecureFX Trader

Any queries, head to our website at SecureFXTrader and you can make contact with us.


  • 余额: A$16987.53
  • 净值: (72.60%) A$12,332.16
  • 浮動損益: -A$4655.37
  • 存款: A$10000.00
  • 提款: A$0
  • 交易: 1,596
  • 点差: 25,269.7
  • 勝率: 76%
  • 平均 交易时间: 2d
  • 手 : 38.77
  • 利润因子: 2.38
  • 每天: 0.07%
  • 毎月: 2.09%
  • 每月交易次数 64
  • 期望: 15.8 点差 / A$4.39
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +3
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
07.03.2025 05:45:00 10.03.2025 14:05:54 EURAUD 卖出 0.01 - 1.71199 1.71395 1.71194 20.1 1.93 3d +0.01%
07.03.2025 08:30:00 10.03.2025 10:57:02 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - 1.88831 1.89556 1.88812 74.4 6.65 3d +0.04%
03.03.2025 12:30:00 06.03.2025 20:45:01 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.86229 1.87699 -147.0 -13.36 3d -0.08%
05.03.2025 10:00:00 06.03.2025 20:45:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.02 - - 1.88349 1.87707 64.2 11.51 1d +0.07%
04.03.2025 16:45:00 06.03.2025 20:45:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.02 - - 1.87390 1.87705 -31.5 -5.80 2d -0.03%
03.03.2025 14:30:01 06.03.2025 20:45:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.86613 1.87707 -109.4 -9.96 3d -0.06%
05.03.2025 18:00:00 06.03.2025 20:45:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.02 - - 1.88819 1.87707 111.2 20.02 1d +0.12%
03.03.2025 14:45:00 06.03.2025 20:15:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.86676 1.87948 -127.2 -11.57 3d -0.07%
05.03.2025 18:00:00 06.03.2025 20:15:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.02 - - 1.88819 1.87950 86.9 15.62 1d +0.09%
04.03.2025 20:15:00 06.03.2025 20:15:00 EURNZD 卖出 0.02 - - 1.87748 1.87950 -20.2 -3.76 2d -0.02%
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Other signals by this trader
级别 名称 增益 点差 交易 类型 毎月 图表 价格 年龄 已添加 动作
178 Cradle HR SecureFX Trader 106.80% 19049.3 14.4% 2580 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 2y 29d 3月 30, 2023
199 Cradle by SecureFX 86.44% 30808.4 12.5% 3774 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 10m 11月 7, 2022
225 Black Mt by SecureFX Trader 89.52% 9919.1 13.1% 1516 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 4m 11月 7, 2022
257 Black Mt HR SecureFX Trader 67.94% 7362.3 24.8% 1265 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 2y 29d 4月 12, 2023
267 Kosciuszko SecureFX Trader 77.94% 36167.3 15.8% 4545 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 4m 1月 5, 2023
281 Kosciuszko HR SecureFXTrader 135.73% 29918.4 20.2% 3933 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 2y 1m 3月 29, 2023
289 Litchfield HR SecureFXTrader 94.03% 13791.3 36.4% 1731 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 1y 8m 10月 5, 2023
312 LitchfieldVHR SecureFXTrader 18.44% 2213.9 32.7% 613 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 6m 10d 10月 3, 2024
470 Flinders by SecureFX Trader 63.34% 39120.7 68.8% 2588 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 5m 1月 6, 2023
500 Ossa by SecureFX Trader 48.25% 17476.5 59.8% 5063 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 5m 1月 5, 2023
526 Uluru by SecureFX Trader 69.51% 18771.7 78.3% 4994 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $35.00 2y 4m 1月 5, 2023
544 Uluru HR SecureFX Trader 122.54% 18099.1 97.8% 3901 真实 载入中...... 载入中...... $65.00 2y 1m 4月 10, 2023