ICT Institutional 信号

级别 #596 , 真实 , USD , BlackBull Markets , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

ICT Institutional 信号

级别 #596 , 真实 , USD , BlackBull Markets , 1:100 ,MetaTrader 4, $40.00/Month

My refined strategy enables me to execute multiple trades with minimal floating risk, consistently achieving close profits. This effective approach is founded on combining Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) with Swing trading.


7 分钟之前
  • 余额: $4060.06
  • 净值: (124.63%) $5,060.06
  • 浮動損益: $1000.00
  • 存款: $14998.42
  • 提款: $12,086.14
  • 交易: 2,407
  • 点差: -57,159.2
  • 勝率: 69%
  • 平均 交易时间: 15h 48m
  • 手 : 213.75
  • 利润因子: 1.15
  • 每天: 0.02%
  • 毎月: 0.69%
  • 每月交易次数 301
  • 期望: -23.7 点差 / $0.89
The equity includes a credit of $1000.00.
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +2
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
23.01.2025 17:20:40 23.01.2025 17:21:20 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 103630.00000 104227.00000 597.0 5.97 40s +0.12%
23.01.2025 17:20:39 23.01.2025 17:21:20 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 103501.00000 104166.00000 665.0 6.64 41s +0.13%
23.01.2025 15:24:27 23.01.2025 15:39:39 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 101465.00000 101972.00000 507.0 5.07 15m +0.10%
23.01.2025 15:24:18 23.01.2025 15:39:38 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 101436.00000 101974.00000 538.0 5.38 15m +0.11%
23.01.2025 15:24:21 23.01.2025 15:39:38 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 101454.00000 101967.00000 513.0 5.13 15m +0.10%
23.01.2025 14:47:25 23.01.2025 15:39:37 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - 102864.92000 101500.00000 101974.00000 474.0 4.74 52m +0.09%
23.01.2025 15:24:14 23.01.2025 15:39:36 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - - 101418.00000 101981.00000 563.0 5.63 15m +0.11%
23.01.2025 14:43:52 23.01.2025 15:39:36 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - 102864.92000 101538.00000 101973.00000 435.0 4.36 55m +0.09%
23.01.2025 14:47:38 23.01.2025 15:39:36 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - 102864.92000 101507.00000 101981.00000 474.0 4.74 51m +0.09%
23.01.2025 14:40:40 23.01.2025 15:39:35 BTCUSD 买入 0.01 - 102864.92000 101660.00000 101979.00000 319.0 3.19 58m +0.06%
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