InvestLong 信号

级别 #332 , 真实 , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

InvestLong 信号

级别 #332 , 真实 , EUR , IC Markets , 1:500 ,MetaTrader 4, $30.00/Month

Dear friends, after Forex trading manually for many years, I have created a 100% automated system that will imitate my manual trading, automating the opening and closing of trades based on certain market conditions.
This is a trading strategy with particular risk management (transactions are not carried out every day, because it is not scalping trading).

I remember that the operations are not daily ,if there is little volatility I will not enter the market, especially during the August holidays, Christmas and USA holidays,including Fed / ECB speaks, NFP and all hight news.
For an excellent copy I recommend 1000 Dollars/Euro


  • 余额: €7010.48
  • 净值: (89.69%) €6,287.83
  • 浮動損益: -€722.65
  • 存款: €16318.31
  • 提款: €11,368.94
  • 交易: 4,533
  • 点差: 27,279.8
  • 勝率: 84%
  • 平均 交易时间: 2d
  • 手 : 70.46
  • 利润因子: 2.97
  • 每天: 0.04%
  • 毎月: 1.06%
  • 每月交易次数 126
  • 期望: 6 点差 / €0.83
毎月 Select a month to analyze, click and drag to zoom in
活动 Timezone: GMT +2
开启日期 关闭日期 符號 动作 SL TP 開倉 平倉 点差 收益 时长 增益
23.04.2024 16:49:12 26.12.2024 18:39:02 GBPUSD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.24140 1.25165 -102.5 -10.63 247d -0.15%
23.12.2024 12:42:07 24.12.2024 16:46:10 GBPUSD 买入 0.01 - - 1.25538 1.25716 17.8 1.69 1d +0.02%
19.12.2024 22:00:14 24.12.2024 11:40:51 AUDCAD 买入 0.01 - - 0.89815 0.89788 -2.7 -0.24 4d +0.00%
20.12.2024 21:00:16 24.12.2024 07:54:48 EURAUD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.66680 1.66573 10.7 0.60 3d +0.01%
19.12.2024 19:00:17 24.12.2024 07:51:38 NZDCAD 买入 0.01 - - 0.81067 0.81211 14.4 0.96 4d +0.01%
19.12.2024 21:00:10 24.12.2024 07:51:36 NZDCAD 买入 0.01 - - 0.81092 0.81211 11.9 0.79 4d +0.01%
20.12.2024 23:00:05 24.12.2024 07:51:21 EURAUD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.66747 1.66579 16.8 0.97 3d +0.01%
23.12.2024 16:00:05 24.12.2024 07:51:17 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.84504 1.84095 40.9 2.24 15h 51m +0.03%
23.12.2024 16:00:05 24.12.2024 07:51:15 EURNZD 卖出 0.01 - - 1.84504 1.84095 40.9 2.24 15h 51m +0.03%
23.12.2024 18:09:55 - - 存款 - - - 1000.00 - -
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